

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



A New Covid-19 Crisis: Domestic Abuse Rises Worldwide

The New York Times

14 Apr 2020

Add another public health crisis to the toll of the new coronavirus: Mounting data suggests that domestic abuse is acting like an opportunistic infection, flourishing in the conditions created by the pandemic.

There was every reason to believe that the restrictions imposed to keep the virus from spreading would have such an effect, said Marianne Hester, a Bristol University sociologist who studies abusive relationships. Domestic violence goes up whenever families spend more time together, such as the Christmas and summer vacations, she said.

Now, with families in lockdown worldwide, hotlines are lighting up with abuse reports, leaving governments trying to address a crisis that experts say they should have seen coming.

The United Nations called on Sunday for urgent action to combat the worldwide surge in domestic violence. “I urge all governments to put women’s safety first as they respond to the pandemic,” Secretary General António Guterres wrote on Twitter.

But governments largely failed to prepare for the way the new public health measures would create opportunities for abusers to terrorize their victims. Now, many are scrambling to offer services to those at risk.

But, as with the response to the virus itself, the delays mean that irreparable harm may already have occurred.

Lockdown and ‘Intimate Terrorism’

As cities and towns across China locked down, a 26-year-old woman named Lele found herself entangled in more and more arguments with her husband, with whom she now had to spend every hour in their home in Anhui Province, in eastern China.

On March 1, while Lele was holding her 11-month-old daughter, her husband began to beat her with a high chair. She is not sure how many times he hit her. Eventually, she says, one of her legs lost feeling and she fell to the ground, still holding the baby in her arms.

A photograph she took after the incident shows the high chair lying on the floor in pieces, two of its metal legs snapped off — evidence of the force with which her husband wielded it against her. Another image documents Lele’s injuries: Nearly every inch of her lower legs was covered in bruises, a huge hematoma blooming on her left calf.

Lele — her full name is not being used for her safety — said that her husband had abused her throughout their six-year relationship, but that the Covid-19 outbreak made things far worse.

“During the epidemic, we were unable to go outside, and our conflicts just grew bigger and bigger and more and more frequent,” she said. “Everything was exposed.”

As quarantines take effect around the world, that kind of “intimate terrorism” — a term many experts prefer for domestic violence — is flourishing.

Eventually, the lockdowns will end. But as the confinement drags on, the danger seems likely to intensify. Studies show that abusers are more likely to murder their partners and others in the wake of personal crises, including lost jobs or major financial setbacks.

With Covid-19 ravaging the economy, such crises are set to become much more frequent.

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A New Covid-19 Crisis: Domestic Abuse Rises Worldwide


The New York Times

14 Apr 2020

Add another public health crisis to the toll of the new coronavirus: Mounting data suggests that domestic abuse is acting like an opportunistic infection, flourishing in the conditions created by the pandemic.



1)表示“伤亡;损失;破坏”,英文解释为“suffering, deaths, or damage”,一般指“(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数”举个🌰:

Independent sources say that the death toll from the earthquake runs into thousands.


2)表示“(道路或桥梁)收费;通行费”,英文解释为“A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge that you have to pay to use.”举个🌰:

Most people who drive the toll roads don't use them every day.


Prepaid tolls only/ Pay toll


表示“增加的;加剧的”,英文解释为“gradually increasing”如:mounting anxiety/excitement 不断增长的焦虑/兴奋。

📺美剧《美国恐怖故事》(American Horror Story)中的台词提到:But there's mounting evidence that this man is a war criminal. 但是有大量的证据显示这人是个战犯。

opportunistic infection

表示“机会性感染(细菌或病毒引起的感染,对健康人一般无害,但会影响自然防御感染能力受损的人)”,英文解释为“an infection caused by bacteria or a virus that is not harmful to a healthy person but harms a person whose body's natural defence against infection is damaged”.


表示“茁壮成长;繁荣;蓬勃发展”,英文解释为“to grow or develop successfully”举个🌰:

My tomatoes are flourishing this summer - it must be the warm weather.


There was every reason to believe that the restrictions imposed to keep the virus from spreading would have such an effect, said Marianne Hester, a Bristol University sociologist who studies abusive relationships. Domestic violence goes up whenever families spend more time together, such as the Christmas and summer vacations, she said.

布里斯托尔大学(Bristol University)研究虐待关系的社会学家玛丽安·赫斯特(Marianne Hester)说,完全有理由相信,为防止病毒传播而实施的限制措施会产生这样的效果。她指出,每当家庭成员在一起的时间变多,比如圣诞节和暑假时,家暴就一定会增加。


表示“推行;强制实行”,英文解释为“to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received”举个🌰:

Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析拜登贸易政策的文章中提到:The other matter is what Mr Biden will do with the tariffs imposed by Mr Trump. 另一件事是拜登将如何处理特朗普实施的关税。


1)表示“恶毒残暴的”,英文解释为“Someone who is abusive behaves in a cruel and violent way toward other people.”举个🌰:

He became violent and abusive toward his mother. 


2)表示“侮辱的”,英文解释为“Abusive language is extremely rude and insulting.”举个🌰:

I did not use any foul or abusive language. 我没有使用过任何粗话或侮辱性的语言。

Now, with families in lockdown worldwide, hotlines are lighting up with abuse reports, leaving governments trying to address a crisis that experts say they should have seen coming.



表示“活动(或行动)限制”,英文解释为“a situation in which restrictions are placed on sb's movements or actions举个🌰:

Prisoners have been placed on lockdown to prevent further violence at the jail.


📍柯林斯词典2020年度词汇就是Lockdown. 柯林斯官方给出的释义为:the imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to public spaces. 指的是对出行、社交和进入公共场所实行严格限制。一般就译为“封锁”。

The United Nations called on Sunday for urgent action to combat the worldwide surge in domestic violence. “I urge all governments to put women's safety first as they respond to the pandemic,” Secretary General António Guterres wrote on Twitter.

联合国周日呼吁采取紧急措施,打击世界范围内激增的家暴行为。“我敦促各国政府在应对大流行的同时,把女性的安全放在首位,”秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(António Guterres在Twitter上写道。


表示“紧急的,急迫的”,英文解释为“needing attention very soon, especially before anything else, because important”举个🌰:

The most urgent thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is out of the building.



1)作动词,表示“急剧上升;飞涨;剧增”,英文解释为“If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.”举个🌰:

The company's profits have surged.


2)作名词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”举个🌰:

An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.


🎬电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)中的台词提到:But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her. 但她体内涌动的能量太大 她撑不住的。


表示“敦促;驱策;力劝”,英文解释为“to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing”举个🌰:

Lawyers will urge the parents to take further legal action.


But governments largely failed to prepare for the way the new public health measures would create opportunities for abusers to terrorize their victims. Now, many are scrambling to offer services to those at risk.



terrorize /ˈter.ə.raɪz/ 表示“恐吓,威胁;使惊恐不安”,英文解释为“to make someone feel very frightened by threatening to kill or hurt them”举个🌰:

Street gangs have been terrorizing the neighbourhood.



1)表示“仓促行动”,英文解释为“If you scramble to a different place or position, you move there in a hurried, awkward way.”举个🌰:

He threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed.


2)表示“争夺”,英文解释为“If a number of people scramble for something, they compete energetically with each other for it.”举个🌰:

More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets.


📍此前在《刘德华演唱会中途取消 向现场观众含泪鞠躬道歉》一文中就有出现相关表达:Fans could only scramble for the highly sought-after tickets via online and mobile platforms, ... 粉丝们只能通过在线和移动平台争相抢购备受追捧的门票。

3)表示“攀爬”,英文解释为“If you scramble over rocks or up a hill, you move quickly over them or up it using your hands to help you.”举个🌰:

Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle.


4)表示“炒 (蛋)”,英文解释为“If you scramble eggs, you break them, mix them together and then cook them in butter.”举个🌰:

Make the toast and scramble the eggs.


But, as with the response to the virus itself, the delays mean that irreparable harm may already have occurred.



表示“不能修复的,无可挽救的”,英文解释为“impossible to repair or make right again”举个🌰:

Unless the oil spill is contained, irreparable damage will be done to the coastline.


Lockdown and ‘Intimate Terrorism’封锁和“亲密恐怖主义”


表示“亲密的;有性关系的;宜于密切关系的”,英文解释为“having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship”如:intimate relationships 亲密关系,举个🌰:

The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.


As cities and towns across China locked down, a 26-year-old woman named Lele found herself entangled in more and more arguments with her husband, with whom she now had to spend every hour in their home in Anhui Province, in eastern China.


entangled in/with

表示“卷入;陷入;与…发生纠葛”,英文解释为“involved with something or someone in a way that makes it difficult to escape”举个🌰:

She seems to be romantically entangled with some artist.


On March 1, while Lele was holding her 11-month-old daughter, her husband began to beat her with a high chair. She is not sure how many times he hit her. Eventually, she says, one of her legs lost feeling and she fell to the ground, still holding the baby in her arms.


A photograph she took after the incident shows the high chair lying on the floor in pieces, two of its metal legs snapped off — evidence of the force with which her husband wielded it against her. Another image documents Lele's injuries: Nearly every inch of her lower legs was covered in bruises, a huge hematoma blooming on her left calf.



表示“突然折断,咔嚓一声折断”,英文解释为“to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound”举个🌰:

Some vandal's snapped off my car aerial again.



wield /wiːld/ 1)表示“拥有,运用,行使,支配(权力等)”,英文解释为“to have and use power, authority, etc.”举个🌰:

He wields little power at the company.


2)表示“挥,操,使用(武器、工具等)”,英文解释为“to hold sth, ready to use it as a weapon or tool”举个🌰:

He was wielding a large knife.


🎬电影《灵魂战车2:复仇时刻》(Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance)中的台词提到:can wield the power, without burning itself up. 可以支配力量  但不伤及自身。

🎬电影《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)中的台词提到:Who would wield it? 谁能够使用呢/谁会挥舞它呢?

🎬电影《诸神之战》(Clash of the Titans)中的台词提到:You vowed to your wife you'd never let Helius wield a sword. 你曾对你的妻子发誓 你永远不会让赫利俄斯使用武器。


作动词,表示“记录,记载”,英文解释为“to record the details of an event, a process, etc.”举个🌰:

His interest in cars has been well-documented (= recorded and written about) by the media.



1)作名词,表示“瘀伤”,英文解释为“A bruise is an injury that appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken.”举个🌰:

How did you get that bruise on your cheek?


2)作动词,表示“使受瘀伤;受瘀伤”,英文解释为“If you bruise a part of your body, a bruise appears on it, for example, because something hits you. If you bruise easily, bruises appear when something hits you only slightly.”举个🌰:

I had only bruised my knee.



hematoma /ˌhiː.məˈtoʊ.mə/ 表示“血肿”,英文解释为“a thick mass of blood anywhere in the body resulting from an injury or blood disorder”举个🌰:

Bruises are hematomas.



calf /kæf/ 表示“腓;腿肚子”,英文解释为“the thick curved part at the back of the human leg between the knee and the foot”举个🌰:

She's been unable to play since January because of a torn calf muscle.


Lele — her full name is not being used for her safety — said that her husband had abused her throughout their six-year relationship, but that the Covid-19 outbreak made things far worse.


“During the epidemic, we were unable to go outside, and our conflicts just grew bigger and bigger and more and more frequent,” she said. “Everything was exposed.”


As quarantines take effect around the world, that kind of “intimate terrorism” — a term many experts prefer for domestic violence — is flourishing.



剑桥词典2020年度词汇quarantine /ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn/.

1)作名词,表示“隔离,检疫”,英文解释为“If a person or animal is in quarantine, they are being kept separate from other people or animals for a set period of time, usually because they have or may have a disease that could spread.”举个🌰:

She was sent home and put in quarantine.


2)作动词,表示“对…进行隔离”,英文解释为“If people or animals are quarantined, they are stopped from having contact with other people or animals. If a place is quarantined, people and animals are prevented from entering or leaving it.”举个🌰:

Dogs have to be quarantined for six months before they'll let them in.


Eventually, the lockdowns will end. But as the confinement drags on, the danger seems likely to intensify. Studies show that abusers are more likely to murder their partners and others in the wake of personal crises, including lost jobs or major financial setbacks.


drag on

表示“拖得太久;持续太久”,英文解释为“( disapproving ) to go on for too long”举个🌰:

The dispute has dragged on for months.


in the wake of

表示“作为…的后果;随…之后而来”,英文解释为“If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it.”举个🌰:

Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's attacks.


🎬电影《科洛弗道10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)中的台词提到:In the wake of this afternoon's widespread blackout 在今天下午的大面积停电之后,...

🎬电影《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13)中的台词提到:lt was that phosphorescent stuff that gets churned up in the wake of a big ship. 就是在大船驶过后被搅上来 会发出磷光的那种东西。

🎬传记电影《史蒂夫·乔布斯》(Steve Jobs)中的台词提到:Apple Computers closed two of its factories today in the wake of disappointing sales. 因为销量不佳 苹果电脑今天关闭了两家工厂。


表示“挫折;障碍”,英文解释为“something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing”举个🌰:

There has been a temporary setback in our plans.


With Covid-19 ravaging the economy, such crises are set to become much more frequent.



作动词,表示“严重破坏;损坏;毁坏”,英文解释为“to cause great damage to something”举个🌰:

The area has been ravaged by drought.


📍在庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年大会上的讲话中提到:遭受了前所未有的劫难 ... suffered greater ravages than ever before. 此处ravages为名词。









- 那年今日 -

2021 德特里克堡的罪恶还要延续多久

2020 退出王室后哈里首次发声

2019 拼多多重大Bug

2017 特朗普In,奥巴马Out

2016 Healthful Diet Switch



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