

LearnAndRecord 2023-02-03

2月1日,2023开年爆款剧《狂飙》(The Knockout)迎来大结局,你看了吗?


1.《狂飙》翻译为The Knockout,是什么含义?
2. 文中的run是什么意思?
3. 「孙子兵法」怎么翻译?


‘The Knockout’ Is the Hottest Chinese Drama of 2023 (So Far...)


With a score of 9/10 on the Chinese review platform Douban, ‘The Knockout’ tells the story of a beleaguered policeman’s attempt to destroy a criminal gang

Since crime drama The Knockout (狂飙, Kuangbiao) began streaming on January 14, it has quickly become one of the most talked about shows online. It currently boasts an impressive 9/10 score on the Chinese review platform Douban, the highest rating yet for a show or movie this year on the site.

The drama is so popular that it reportedly crashed the streaming platform iQiyi on its ninth day of broadcasting. The show just wrapped up its 39-episode run on February 1.

The Knockout is about a 20-year-long power struggle between An Xin (played by Zhang Yi), a front-line policeman, and Gao Qiqiang (Zhang Songwen), the leader of a major criminal enterprise in the fictional city of Jinghai.

The two men first meet in 2000 when An, a young police officer, interrogates Gao, a hard-working, orphaned fishmonger, for some petty crimes.

Over the next two decades, Gao falls deeper and deeper into the criminal underworld in a misguided effort to support his younger siblings, eventually becoming a mafia boss himself.

Bribery, murder-for-hire, and meth dealing are all crimes that Gao eventually becomes involved in — but An’s investigation is never far behind his heels.

Interestingly, The Knockout’s popularity has boosted sales of Sun Tzu’s 5th-century BCE work The Art of War, simply because the military treatise makes a few cameos in the drama.

First appearing in episode four, when An recommends it to Gao, The Art of War becomes a guide of sorts for Gao as he works his way up the criminal ladder. Throughout the drama, Gao reads from, quotes, and attributes his success to the book.

Since The Knockout began streaming, The Art of War has risen to 12th on China’s major online book retailer Dangdang’s bestseller list. Additionally, some versions of the book have reportedly sold out online.

Though the resurgence of The Art of War is evidence of this drama’s popularity, it is not the reason why The Knockout has reached such heights.

Overall, viewers love the depth of the characters and the genuine nature of their relationships. Many also attribute the show’s magic to Zhang Songwen’s heartfelt performance, and his character’s evident humanity, despite his crimes.

A reviewer wrote for the Chinese magazine Sanlian Lifeweek, “What is special about The Knockout is that it spends a lot of time showing how an ordinary person [like Gao] becomes a criminal… It does not simply treat Gao’s depravity as a personal choice, but also points to deeper problems [within society].”

Another shared on Douban, “[The show is] suspenseful, sensational, detailed, bold, and interspersed with humor. We watch An Xin change from a tough and vivacious young policeman to a gray-haired and lethargic office worker. And we witness Gao Qiqiang moving step-by-step from an oppressed fishmonger to a mobster, essentially stepping into the abyss.”

However, one show cannot satisfy every audience member, and some netizens have taken issue with The Knockout’s adherence to themes like patriotism and heroism.

“As soon as I see anti-gang themes, I feel physically disgusted……; stop filming such useless things, and stop wasting these excellent actors,” criticized one Douban user.

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‘The Knockout’ Is the Hottest Chinese Drama of 2023 (So Far...)


With a score of 9/10 on the Chinese review platform Douban, ‘The Knockout’ tells the story of a beleaguered policeman’s attempt to destroy a criminal gang

《狂飙》(The Knockout)在中国评论平台豆瓣上获得了9/10的高分,该剧讲述了一名陷入困境的警察试图摧毁一个犯罪团伙的故事。


我们说的KO实际上就是knockout的缩写(KO is an abbreviation for knockout),表示“(拳击中的)击倒获胜;击败对手的一击;击倒对手获胜”,英文解释为“a blow that makes an opponent fall to the ground and be unable to get up, so that he or she loses the fight”。

knockout也表示“淘汰赛”,英文解释为“a competition in which only the winners of each stage play in the next stage, until one competitor or team is the final winner”举个🌰:

The tournament is a straight knockout. 这次锦标赛是直接淘汰赛。


beleaguered /bɪˈliː.ɡəd/ 表示“被烦扰的;处于困境的”,英文解释为“having a lot of problems or difficulties”如:the beleaguered doctors 已焦头烂额的医生们。

Since crime drama The Knockout (狂飙, Kuangbiao) began streaming on January 14, it has quickly become one of the most talked about shows online. It currently boasts an impressive 9/10 score on the Chinese review platform Douban, the highest rating yet for a show or movie this year on the site.



📍stream 动词,表示“用流式传输,流播(无须待整个文件下载到计算机便可播放互联网上的视频或音频文件);在线收听(或收看)”,英文解释为“to play video or sound on a computer by receiving it as a continuous stream, from the Internet for example, rather than needing to wait until the whole of the material has been downloaded”。

📍streaming 名词,表示“(音频或视频的)流动式接收,在线收听(或收看)”,英文解释为“the activity of listening to or watching sound or video directly from the internet”举个🌰:

LRTV now comes with free live streaming for mobile devices. LRTV现在向用户提供免费的手机直播服务。

📍streaming service表示“流媒体服务,串流服务”,英文解释为“a service that sends video, music, etc., over the internet so that people can watch or listen to it immediately rather than having to download it, or rather than having to watch or listen at a particular time when something is broadcast”举个🌰:

A streaming service such as Netflix or Amazon Prime provides unlimited streaming of TV shows, movies, comedy specials and original programming.



表示“拥有(值得自豪的东西)”,英文解释为“to have or own something to be proud of举个🌰:

Hangzhou boasts beautiful lakes, great restaurants, and friendly locals. 杭州拥有美丽的湖、很棒的餐馆和友好的当地人。

The drama is so popular that it reportedly crashed the streaming platform iQiyi on its ninth day of broadcasting. The show just wrapped up its 39-episode run on February 1.



1)表示“使…撞毁; 撞毁(撞车,坠机)”,英文解释为“If a moving vehicle crashes or if the driver crashes it, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed.”举个🌰:

Her car crashed into the rear of a van. 她的汽车撞毁了一辆面包车的尾部。

2)表示“(发出巨响)猛撞,猛击”,英文解释为“to hit something or someone extremely hard while moving, in a way that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of noise”,举个🌰:

We watched the waves crashing against the rocks. 我们看着海浪哗啦哗啦地冲击岩石。

3)表示“(计算机或系统)瘫痪,死机”,英文解释为“If a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating.”,举个🌰:

My laptop's crashed again. 我的笔记本电脑又死机了。


broadcasting /ˈbrɔːdˌkɑː.stɪŋ/ 表示“(电视或电台节目的)播出”,英文解释为“the activity or business of sending out programmes on television or radio”举个🌰:

Huge amounts of money are spent on sports broadcasting. 巨额资金被用于播出体育节目。

wrap sth up

此前在中国女排十冠王!一文中,就提到China's last opponents will be Argentina and are poised to wrap up the World Cup with all wins.

wrap up表示“圆满完成,达成(协议)”,英文解释为“to complete something successfully举个🌰:

Ministers wrap up their meeting in China today. 部长们今天在中国圆满结束了他们的会议。


在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),也可以指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”举个🌰:

This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people. 诈骗丑闻最新爆出的这一事件让很多人瞠目结舌。


📍第几集用的是Episode,第几季则为Season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到S01E02,就是指的第1季第2集。

最后一集finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

🎬还有,看剧时新一集开头通常会有的一个说法:previously on ...,...的前情提要,前情回顾。



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“刊登;发表;包含(某种词语、内容等);播出”,英文解释为“to show something in a newspaper or magazine, on television, etc.”举个🌰:

All the newspapers ran (= printed) stories about the new peace talks. 所有报纸都刊登了新一轮和谈的消息。

作名词,表示“(一部戏的)连续上演(期)”,英文解释为“the period during which a play is performed”举个🌰:

The musical's London run was a disaster. 该音乐剧在伦敦的演出彻底失败。

The Knockout is about a 20-year-long power struggle between An Xin (played by Zhang Yi), a front-line policeman, and Gao Qiqiang (Zhang Songwen), the leader of a major criminal enterprise in the fictional city of Jinghai.



fictional /ˈfɪk.ʃən.əl/ 表示“想象的;虚构的”,英文解释为“imaginary”如:a fictional story 虚构的故事。

The two men first meet in 2000 when An, a young police officer, interrogates Gao, a hard-working, orphaned fishmonger, for some petty crimes.



interrogate /ɪnˈter.ə.ɡeɪt/ 表示“讯问,审问,盘问”,英文解释为“to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats or violence”举个🌰:

The police interrogated the suspect for several hours. 警察盘问了这名嫌疑犯好几个小时。


orphan /ˈɔː.fən/ 作动词,表示“使成为孤儿”,作名词,表示“孤儿”,英文解释为“a child whose parents are dead”举个🌰:

The civil war is making orphans of many children. 内战正在使许多孩子成为孤儿。


fishmonger /ˈfɪʃˌmʌŋ.ɡər/ 表示“(尤指开店的)鱼贩,鱼商”,英文解释为“someone who sells fish, especially from a shop”。


petty /ˈpet.i/ 1)表示“琐碎的;无足轻重的”,英文解释为“not important and not worth giving attention to”举个🌰:

Prisoners complain that they are subjected to too many petty rules and restrictions. 犯人们抱怨他们受到太多条条框框的管制。

2)表示“过于注重琐事的;小心眼的,心胸狭窄的”,英文解释为“complaining too much about things that are not important”举个🌰:

Don't be so petty! 别这么小心眼!

Over the next two decades, Gao falls deeper and deeper into the criminal underworld in a misguided effort to support his younger siblings, eventually becoming a mafia boss himself.



misguided /ˌmɪsˈɡaɪ.dɪd/ 表示“被误导的;被引入歧途的;判断失误的”,英文解释为“unreasonable or unsuitable because of being based on bad judgment or on wrong information or beliefs”举个🌰:

He was shot as he made a misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed. 他不理智地想一个人制止劫匪抢劫,结果遭到枪击。


mafia /ˈmæf.i.ə/ 表示“团伙,帮派,小集团”,英文解释为“a close group of people who are involved in similar activities and who help and protect each other, sometimes to the disadvantage of others”

Bribery, murder-for-hire, and meth dealing are all crimes that Gao eventually becomes involved in — but An’s investigation is never far behind his heels.



表示“贿赂;收买”,英文解释为“an attempt to make someone do something for you by giving the person money, presents, or something else that they want ”举个🌰:

The organization was rife with bribery and corruption. 这个机构里贿赂腐败成风。

Interestingly, The Knockout’s popularity has boosted sales of Sun Tzu’s 5th-century BCE work The Art of War, simply because the military treatise makes a few cameos in the drama.



作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:
The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。

📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.


treatise /ˈtriː.tɪs/ 表示“专题论文;专著,论述”,英文解释为“a formal piece of writing that considers and examines a particular subject”如:a six-volume treatise on trademark law 六卷本商标法专著。


cameo /ˈkæm.i.əʊ/ 表示“(名演员在电影或剧目中的)客串角色,小配角”,英文解释为“a small but noticeable part in a film or play, performed by a famous actor”举个🌰:

He appears briefly towards the end of the film in a cameo role as a priest. 影片接近尾声时,他露面客串了一下牧师。

First appearing in episode four, when An recommends it to Gao, The Art of War becomes a guide of sorts for Gao as he works his way up the criminal ladder. Throughout the drama, Gao reads from, quotes, and attributes his success to the book.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“引用,引述,援引”,英文解释为“to repeat the words that someone else has said or written”举个🌰:

He's always quoting from LearnAndRecord. 他总是引用《LearnAndRecord》上的内容。

📍听听力时有时候会听到「quote... unquote」指的就是“引文起…引文止”,英文解释为“said to show that you are repeating someone else's words, especially if you do not agree”,可以理解为念的是引号内的内容,举个🌰:

She says they're quote "just good friends" unquote. 她说她们,引号,“只是好朋友而已”,引号完。

Since The Knockout began streaming, The Art of War has risen to 12th on China’s major online book retailer Dangdang’s bestseller list. Additionally, some versions of the book have reportedly sold out online.


Though the resurgence of The Art of War is evidence of this drama’s popularity, it is not the reason why The Knockout has reached such heights.



表示“复苏,反弹”,英文解释为“If there is a resurgence of an attitude or activity, it reappears and grows.”举个🌰:

Police say drugs traffickers are behind the resurgence of violence警方说毒贩是暴力事件增加的原因。

🎬电影《天兆》(Signs)中的台词提到:This new resurgence is wholly different. 这次的出现与以前完全不同。

Overall, viewers love the depth of the characters and the genuine nature of their relationships. Many also attribute the show’s magic to Zhang Songwen’s heartfelt performance, and his character’s evident humanity, despite his crimes.


A reviewer wrote for the Chinese magazine Sanlian Lifeweek, “What is special about The Knockout is that it spends a lot of time showing how an ordinary person [like Gao] becomes a criminal… It does not simply treat Gao’s depravity as a personal choice, but also points to deeper problems [within society].”



depravity /dɪˈpræv.ə.ti/ 表示“道德败坏,堕落”,英文解释为“the state of being morally bad, or an action that is morally bad”

Another shared on Douban, “[The show is] suspenseful, sensational, detailed, bold, and interspersed with humor. We watch An Xin change from a tough and vivacious young policeman to a gray-haired and lethargic office worker. And we witness Gao Qiqiang moving step-by-step from an oppressed fishmonger to a mobster, essentially stepping into the abyss.”



suspenseful /səˈspens.fəl/ 表示“焦虑的,担心的,提心吊胆的”,英文解释为“causing a feeling of excitement or nervousness because you are waiting for something to happen or are uncertain about what is going to happen”如:a suspenseful thriller 扣人心弦的惊险片。


sensational /senˈseɪ.ʃən.əl/ 1)表示“极好的;绝妙的;出众的”,英文解释为“very good, exciting, or unusual”如:a sensational sports car/dress 极好的跑车/连衣裙。

2)表示“(新闻报道或文章)意在引起轰动的,耸人听闻的”,英文解释为“Sensational news reports and articles are intended to be shocking and exciting rather than serious.”举个🌰:
Some of the more sensational newspapers have given a lot of coverage to the scandal. 一些更耸人听闻的报纸以很大篇幅报道了这一丑闻。


intersperse /ˌɪn.təˈspɜːs/ 表示“点缀,散布”,英文解释为“If you intersperse one group of things with another or among another, you put or include the second things between or among the first things.”,举个🌰:

Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones. 原本是想用现代场景点缀历史场景。

📍通常用法:be interspersed with sth 大量点缀着某物,大量散布着某物;intersperse sth with sth 在某物(如演讲、文章、电影等)中夹杂(穿插)某物


vivacious /vɪˈveɪ.ʃəs/ 表示“(尤指女性)活泼迷人的”,英文解释为“A vivacious person, especially a woman or girl, is attractively energetic and enthusiastic”


lethargic /ləˈθɑː.dʒɪk/ 表示“萎靡不振的,无精打采的;懒散的,倦怠的”,英文解释为“having little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything”举个🌰:

I was feeling tired and lethargic. 我觉得浑身乏力、无精打采。


oppressed /əˈprest/ 表示“被压迫的;受压制的;被欺压的”,英文解释为“governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom”


mobster /ˈmɒb.stər/ 同 gangster,表示“歹徒;犯罪团伙成员”


abyss /əˈbɪs/ 表示“深渊”,英文解释为“a very deep hole that seems to have no bottom”;也可以指“困境;险境;绝境”,英文解释为“a difficult situation that brings trouble or destruction”。

However, one show cannot satisfy every audience member, and some netizens have taken issue with The Knockout’s adherence to themes like patriotism and heroism.


take issue with sth

表示“对…持强烈异议,很不赞同”,英文解释为“to disagree strongly”举个🌰:

I took issue with him over his interpretation of the instructions. 我不赞同他对命令的理解。


表示“爱国心;爱国主义;爱国精神”,英文解释为“Patriotism is love for your country and loyalty toward it.”举个🌰:

He was a country boy who had joined the army out of a sense of patriotism and adventure. 他是个乡下小伙子,出于爱国心和冒险精神参了军。

📍2020年政府工作报告中提到:极大激发全国各族人民的爱国热情,This occasion has inspired a strong sense of patriotism among all Chinese people,


heroism /ˈher.əʊ.ɪ.zəm/ 表示“英勇;英勇表现;英雄精神”,英文解释为“great courage”如:an act of heroism 英勇行为。

“As soon as I see anti-gang themes, I feel physically disgusted……; stop filming such useless things, and stop wasting these excellent actors,” criticized one Douban user.


- 今日盘点 -

knockout、 beleaguered、 stream、 boast、 crash、 broadcasting、 wrap sth up、 episode、 run、 fictional、 interrogate、 orphan、 fishmonger、 petty、 misguided、 mafia、 bribery、 boost、 treatise、 cameo、 quote、 resurgence、 depravity、 suspenseful、 sensational、 intersperse、 vivacious、 lethargic、 oppressed、 mobster、 abyss、 take issue with sth、 patriotism、 heroism


- 推荐阅读 -




- END -






