

鲁秋莲 外交官说事儿 2023-12-06


鲁秋莲 钓鱼台国宾馆大连山庄总经理,1974年至2015年在钓鱼台国宾馆工作至退休,先后在钓鱼台国宾馆总统楼从事服务接待工作,在国宾馆业务部担任楼经理;在当时局长朱贵玉的要求和指导下,查找、收集、整理、存档自国宾馆建馆以来接待国宾的档案;钓鱼台大酒店担任办公室主任等职。



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这种酒用的杯子是一种容量很大的高脚玻璃杯,叫"bodle glass"(整个饭店,只有这个宴会厅可以用这种红酒杯)。客人饮酒前,师傅总是先倒少量酒,递给第一来宾品尝认可,被认可后,再倒给在场的其他客人喝。尽管杯子容量很大,但一次只能倒入少量的红酒。



当今天我回忆这件往事时,我想起了齐先生在第25课中,那段关于酒与美人的描述:“美人如酒,酒亦如美人。所以,当voluptuous形容酒的时候,有个短语叫'voluptuous wine'。它所指的就是‘味道芳醇绵厚的好红酒’。”我想,当年在大西洋饭店的荷兰厅,我亲眼所见的客人品尝的那种红酒,应该就是齐先生所讲的"voluptuous wine"吧。




























另外,有一次,我们在一起布置餐台,我发现她在垫盘上多放了一把咖啡勺,于是给她指出来。她飞快地一边拿走那把多余的咖啡勺,一边做鬼脸,带着欢快的笑容回答,"Two is better than nothing."(注:两个比没有好。)






从左数第二位是饭店宴会部的主管De Luis先生。(作者供图)

饭店宴会部的主管De Luis先生平易近人,待人友好,彬彬有礼,说话中速,举止绅士而优雅,属于那种圆融的人。他对我们这些身处异国他乡、远道而来的中国同事非常关心。这样一个良好的榜样形象和令人舒适的温度贯穿我和他在这个饭店一起工作的全过程,我被温暖、感动和熏陶着,荣幸之至。

学习结束了,带着对De Luis先生的感谢之情,我离开了大西洋饭店,期待自己也像他那样,关心同事、服务好客人。

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It was the first time for me going abroad to distant Europe, to study in Hamburg, Germany. After years of national education and edification,grow up, and live in the east of the earth, I just like a frog jumped out of the well, and saw a completely different outside world/ world external. Or to be more exact, I was just like the feeling of grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden described in the Dream of Red Mansions.

Because comparing with the internal situation at that time, all of it in Hamburg, Germany was so fresh, it was not what I thought it would be. If my motherland in the east side of the earth was the most beautiful part, the Hamburg, Germany in the west side of the earth also a peerless one, I exclaimed in my heart.   

Indeed, going abroad, meeting different people, and participating in the practice of life where the environment I never had before, brought me a brand-new vision and beautiful experience, during which I felt a kind of feeling, "I played until lost my interest, and returned by boat, but found I walked into the innermost of the lotus pond and lost my way". 

Sure, I was favorably impressed with Hamburg, Germany. I gained handsome profit/a lot during my trip there. It enriched my outlook on life and values, as well as my cognition of treating life and people. Now, let me illustrate a few of those moments that touched my heart deeply.

When I was in the Banquet Department of the Atlantic Hotel, I was often assigned to be partnered with a "Captain" named Münster. “Captain” was the highest-ranking waiter in the Atlantic Hotel, in this hotel only two people were named that title, one was Mr. Münster, the other in housekeeping department.

When Münster was at work, he was always in charge of the hotel's top banquet room, the Dutch Room, a very elegant western dining room that could seat only a dozen people.  I found that there was a bookcase in the room, in which displayed massive and rare books that looked ancient. I was curious about them, therefore,I asked master Münster what books were they, and he told me that those books were some  of  the distillation of  ancient works. They were written by their ancestors a long, long time ago and he could not read them.

Mister Münster was a pure Germanic person, clear to like, to dislike. At first glance, he was too serious and ill-tempered a man, but gradually, I found that he's a professional caterer, always meticulous in his work,and smiling, warm,considerate,and never careless a bit to all his guests.

Shortly after I worked with him, for I served a guest a cup of espresso that he didn't think was hot enough, hence, fury rose inside him, stared at me, with a tornado of anger, I was given a choking roasting by him, namely, I came under strong criticism from him. /He was highly critical of the thing he thought I did wrong.

After a period of practice, I became familiar with the working procedures, understood his requirements, and became his right-hand.  Therefore, among my Chinese colleagues, he asked the head of the banquet department to make me his preferred partner.  For me, I was also lucky to learn from such an experienced teacher, who was very knowledgeable/with vast knowledge.  

For instance, I often saw guests at dinner parties in the Holland Room tasting a kind of cellar wine that persevered for years. The corks were so soft by years of infiltration of wine that the dregs of them had fallen into the bottle and settled at the bottom. So, master Münster reminded me to pour the wine gently and slowly to keep the dregs out of the glass.

The glass used for this wine was a kind of large glass called Bodle glass (It was the only room in the whole hotel that was permitted to use that kind of glass for red wine).  Before drinking, master Münster always poured a bit amount of wine, passed it to the main guest to savor and approve, after the approval, we poured the wine to other guests. Despite its large capacity of the bodle glass, only a small amount of wine could be filled at a time.

Before wine drinking, the guests would hold the bottom of the glasses each, and turned around the glasses gently, let the wine went round in the glasses, as the wine turned, traces of dusky red wine hanging on the glasses where the wine flowed. Then the guests sipped the wine gracefully.  At that time, the mellow fragrance of the old wine lingered throughout the room, which was really a kind of beautiful enjoyment.

In addition, westerners pay a lot of emphasis on flavor and atmosphere, there are wine before dinner, with dinner wine and after dinner wine, as well as champagne when celebrating. In the western food service of Atlantic Hotel, wine and dishes are carefully matched.  Usually, having white meat would drink white wine, red meat with dry red wine, dessert with sherry or mild sweet wine.   

As I reflected on that event today, I am reminded Mr. Qi's description of wine and beauty in lesson 25, "Beauty is like wine, and wine like beauty.  Hence, there is an expression that describes wine that is voluptuous. Voluptuous wine refers to good red wine with a rich, mellow taste." I think that the red wine I saw in the Dutch Room of the Atlantic Hotel, the guests tasted would be the voluptuous wine that Mr. Qi was talking about.

At the same time, I also remembered the last example sentence Mr. Qi shared with us in lesson 75, "Please learn to savor every moment of your life." I take the view that the way the guests that I talked about whom tasted the wine, and the way they were served at the Atlantic Hotel, was, as Mr. Qi said, enjoying the present moment of their lives, enjoying the aroma of a good old wine.

That was in sharp contrast to some riches in our country who, in order to show off their wealth, gulped down one glass after another full of large fine brandy.  Do you consider those people who drank brandy like fishes/swigged brandy were savoring the moments of their life?

In addition to learn catering knowledge from my master Münster, I often communicated with him consciously about other topics. For example, once I asked him, "Why are you always so meticulous in your work, regardless of whether your immediate boss is here or not?"   His answer was simple and straightforward, and also reflected good professional ethics, he gave me the response like this: 

"The hotel pays me to do my job whether my immediate supervisor checks my work or not. I hate people who please their boss to his face but goof off behind his back.  (Or, we can say:  it is repellent to me that/it makes me sick that people please their boss to his face but cheat behind his back.) That's a disgusting and inactive bad behavior."  

At the same time, a German colleague told me, "Although Münster is so harsh at work, his favorite leisure time is to work as a ticket inspector in an interior nude swimming pool, so that he can watch beauty while earn money." Why not? People appreciate beauty, just different ways. And it's legal, dual gains. (In Germany, it's legal to keep a nude swimming pool, there were special management of interior nude swimming pool and exterior one).

From the contact with mister Münster, I felt that he was not only serious and responsible for his work strictly, but also abundant of happy feelings in his life.  Once chatting with him, he said, "I don't care whether the socialist system or the capitalist system is good, as long as my life is good."  He added that he and his wife had generously-sized house to live in, they had been living happily and enjoying their own hobbies each.

Before finishing my study at the Atlantic Hotel, a Chinese colleague and I were invited to his home.That day, he first took us to a supermarket, let us buy the food we like, then, went to his family to make. At our approach to his household, I saw his wife was lost herself in the sweet music, as well as a bright, spacious, and smart apartment with three rooms and a hall. The hall was tidy and beautiful, the kitchen very bright and clean, any trace of lampblack couldn't be seen, it should be related to western cooking style-boiled, steamed, baked, roasted mainly.

As I’m writing here, I remind of an example from Mr. Qi's lecture: " Having nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." This was exactly what I saw in my master Münster's home at that time.

What made me most unforgettable was that he gave me a surprise when I worked with him for the last time before I finished my study in the hotel.

As soon as he got to work that day, his eyes brimmed with smile and he said to me mysteriously, "I'm going to present you a present that I'm sure you're going to love it. Do you want to see it now or after work?  " "Is it? That's very kind of you. I appreciate that. I'd like to see it now if you have no objection."

It was that he and his wife went to the department store and bought me a delicate/an exquisite cowhide wallet the previous day.  I was unwrapping the souvenir gift while he was standing by. With a smile, he jokingly said: “During your stay in our hotel, you've earned a lot of money by working overtime. Your wallet is too fat to squeeze/pack in, you need another one.  so, I do you a favor.”

Aha, was really humorous and the careful heart of it!  Indeed, it's a significant present, simple, beautiful and practical, I love it pretty much. At the same time, I promised him that back in China, I would select him a souvenir with Chinese characteristics.

Before long, I bought my master Münster and his wife a set of Suzhou-embroidered brocade pajamas each. I also bought my master a dragon-head walking stick since in our chatting before, he told me that when he really at his grand age/ aged, he would walk with a walking stick to prevent tripping or falling. After that, I entrusted a friend who was going to Hamburg with the goods to my master. He was grateful for that.

The Germans I met, they both worked hard and enjoyed life.  They were very disciplined, they didn't cut corners, didn't cheat.  In the ordinary course of event, they just went to work and got off normally and didn't work overtime. For sure, sometimes, when they had a modest plan that needed more money they would work overtime for a short period.

For instance, there was a German girl in the hotel who planned to have a vacation trip to Beijing during her annual leave. She had worked overtime almost every day for a month to cover her travel expenses. After her tour to Beijing, she returned to her normal working condition.

Also, in the hotel, there was a German boy whom looked sturdy, but I found him tired in his work and forgetful now and then.  Talking to him later, I got to know that he planned to buy a Mercedes.  He told me it would cost him a fortune. Therefore, he worked three jobs per day for six months approximately, and he gained his aim.  Then, like the German girl I said earlier, he stopped working extra shifts and went to work normally.

After work, the Germans enjoyed their languid time and idle moments, had their own life according to their own preferences (under the premise of observing the law, of course).

For example, some people sunned on green lawns, glanced through magazines outside, while others relaxed inside the beer pubs (note: Lawns in Hamburg were permitted not only to trample, but there was also a certain welfare institution that provided snow-white tables and seats for people to enjoy).

Germany is famous for its beer. Beer pubs were obtainable everywhere in the streets and lanes, and business brisk/booming/prosperous, because many Germans were beer enthusiasts, going to the beer pub consumption at their leisure time was the German 's favorite. Hence, the pubs got handsome/fat profits. Like, when my German colleagues in the banquet department got off work, they often first went to an immediate range pub together in a group of good friends, chatting over drinks in a relaxed atmosphere. Usually, they drank beer. Everyone took turns paying. and then went home each. (The photo on page 38: the leisure moment my German colleagues and I were enjoying in a pub.)

There was a young German female colleague in the Banquet Department of the Atlantic Hotel  who was thin, slight,clever,witted, friendly, joyous all day.  At work, she was often presented herself in a clamored way, like a joyful child, walking as a gust of wind, and sometimes even whistled. We often worked at the same time, as time grew, I would be joking with her from time to time. 

One day, when I saw her whistling and hopping along, I said to her, "You know, as a girl, what would people say about you in China if you were walking down the street whistling like that?"  "What?"  "Young rascal."  "But in our case, it means happiness."  “Okey, okey, happy girl, go on,cause, you are in Germany.”

Another time, when we were setting the table together, I noticed that she put an extra coffee spoon on the saucer, hence, I pointed it out to her.  Swiftly she made a mouth, and with a merry smile, answered me like this ,“Two is better than nothing” as she removed the extra spoon.

The head of the Breakfast Restaurant Hall of the Atlantic Hotel was a tall and slim, well-preserved middle-aged lady whom was called Schlüter. She had long hair like a cascade, but at work she always coiled up her hair at the back of her head. Her voice was infused of energy, she worked at a rapid pace, went on feet like a fast-forward button, and managed budgets so carefully that not a single one of her underlings would lose a second of their work time.   I was deeply impressed by all these.

Like, when I was doing the task she assigned, she would give me the next one, and sometimes give me the third before the first of my two tasks had been completed. At that time, I felt to be swamped by her progressive tasks (or I was avalanched by her countless assignments). 

Once I was brewing black tea, which was one of the two tasks she gave me at the time, it was not long before she gave me another job.  Hence, I smiled and told her that I had not finished the first thing she assigned yet, she exactly wanted me to do which one first.  Listened to me saying that, she would say, “Okay, okay, you keep doing it”.

Nevertheless, when it was time to leave, she would tell me to stop working and leave on time, even if I hadn't finished what I was working on.  Her management style is best described by the Chinese phrase “nail in the nail".  

However,in the situation in the law, standard operation. Working at full capacity can employ the most efficient use of time to increase productivity. Neither let the staff take the hotel's pays for nothing, nor let the staff work for nothing, it was nothing to blame for the management, was it? Is it not great to have such managers when in every unit of work?  

Mr. De Luis, the head of the Banquet Department of the Atlantic Hotel, who was easy-going, friendly, courteous, spoke in moderate speed, gentlemanly and graceful demeanor, and a kind of round person. He was very concerned about our Chinese colleagues who were in foreign countries and came from afar. Such an extraordinary role model and the comfortable temperature, from the start to the end, throughout my work with him in the hotel, I was infused with warmth, moved, nurtured deeply. It's a blaze of honor for me.

When my study was over, I left the Atlantic Hotel with gratitude to Mr. De Luis in the hope that I would care for my colleagues and serve guests well as he had done.

- 未完待续 -

图文 | 鲁秋莲

编辑 | 外交官说事儿 青岩





