

萨古鲁 Isha 2022-12-20


Sadhguru explains how intimate physical contacts create runanubandha or large volumes of physical memory, which can lead to confusion on the level of the body. He then elucidates why monks in India wear clothes soaked in filtered soil.


There is a physical memory of remembering where you came from.


If you just as much as hold somebody's hand, you will develop Runanubandha.


Physical memory, beyond a certain point that what you pick up, will cause a certain level of confusion. Many of you have noticed this: certain days, your body seems to be confused. So, we created various systems to cleanse.


Questioner: Namaskaram Sadhguru, why do monks and sadhus in India wear orange clothes?


Sadhguru: We were talking about what is referred to as Runanubandha, which means...certain physical memory. Body has its own memory. Today there are lots of experiments to partially prove some of these things. Let's say... your father - okay, I'm just picking on him because I thought you wouldn't mind. (Laughter) Your father, let's say when he was a child, he liked round objects; he played with round pebbles, round this, round that. Let's say he developed a certain level of... involvement with that. When you grow up, without knowing why, you'll start liking round things.


Maybe you don't find pebbles anymore when you're growing up, so you'll pick on something else; whatever you choose, you will tend to choose that kind of thing. These things are proven beyond doubt, that these repetitions happen. This is simply because you carry a certain genetic material. Runanubandha means the physical memory that you carry within you. This can happen because of blood relationship, this can also happen due to sexual relationships, that body has a certain memory. Runanubandha is not like genetic factors being transmitted from parent to child - not in that level. There is a physical memory of remembering where you came from; not necessarily in terms of tone of your skin, shape of your nose, how you're built, your race - not that. It is just that, if you just as much as hold somebody's hand, you will develop Runanubandha.


This is why in India, if you come, people will do like this. (Gestures) They don't want to do that. (Gestures)They will love you like this. (Gestures) And there are many things, they won't give certain substances; nobody will give salt to you or will receive salt from you. If you try to give them salt, they'll say, "Keep it here." They don't want to take it from your hands. The til, or the sesame seeds, they won't take it from you. Certain types of soils, nobody will receive it from you. If you want to give soil to somebody, any kind of soil- there are rituals where soil is given - always you keep it down, I'll pick it from there - never take it from somebody's hands, because you will develop Runanubandha.


Physical memory, beyond a certain point that what you pick up, will cause a certain level of confusion; confusion not here (Gestures)- this confusion is a different thing, that is something you have earned. (Laughter)But physical confusion, if the body is confused, it can't come to ease, it is... (Gestures) Many of you have noticed this, certain days your body seems to be confused. Have you noticed this?


Participants: Yes.


Sadhguru: Wherever you sit, somehow...Another day you sit down, ah...So, we created various systems to cleanse. One thing is fire wash, air wash... (Few laugh) Really. Of course, the water washes every day. When... you know, when I was in my...a period of time when I was into lot of sadhana, I would have somewhere between 5 to 7 showers a day, because your system becomes so sensitive. You sat on this cushion, now you're conscious what this cushion is doing to you. So, you want to wash - at least just water running over your body. 5 to 7 times a day; this is not like calculated, "I must do it 5 times, or 7 times. "Whenever you feel like it...(Gestures) Most yogis have a shower at least twice a day, minimum. Usually, it's a dip in the river; just, at least once, you dip in flowing water, so that you wash clean. 


Those who are doing sadhana, even today, in the ashram, none of the brahmacharis are allowed to even wash their clothes in a common place, everybody washes their clothes separately. So, we can't put a washing machine and put everybody's clothes in it and do it - it would be easier. But we will not do it because all of them are doing sadhana, and everyone has their own specific characteristic. We don't want it all mixed up, because it will not work. If we have to mix it up, then every wash we will have to coat it with soil.


You don't know this probably, all the sadhus and sanyasis always use very fine, sieved, mud, red earth, to color their clothes. It's... entire ashram is painted like this, because it's just soil we used, okay? Soil with a certain... what...a certain adhesive - sticks like paint. And all buildings in the ashram were painted like this. And all sadhus, sanyasis, those who are on spiritual path, wash their clothes with red earth. Filtered earth - with that they wash, so that's why that color, that's how it's come.


So, either you must wash separately, or every time you must coat it with some soil material, so that the Runanubandha - the only Runanubandha that you hold - is with the earth, not with people around you, not with things around you - just with the planet. That is okay, because if you wear clothes... because the word "soil" here is used differently - if you wear soiled clothes...(Laughter) No, not like that; dipped in red earth. If you wear these clothes, in some way, it is a reminder for the body as to where it comes from and where it will go. So, those who are on the spiritual path always use clothes which have been dipped in filtered, red earth. Actually, they are white clothes turned into mud color, because it's been constantly washed with filtered earth.

所以,要么你分开洗,要么每次你必须涂上一些土壤物质,这样Runanubandha——你唯一的Runanubandha——是与土地的,不是与你周围的人,与你周围的事物——只是与地球。这是可以的,因为如果你穿衣服……因为 “土”这个词在这里的用法不同——如果你穿着“沾了土的衣服”(注:soiled clothes指很脏的衣服)……(笑声)不,不是那种,是在红土中浸泡过的。如果你穿着这样的衣服,在某种程度上,它会提醒身体,它从哪里来,要到哪里去。所以那些在灵性道路上的人总是穿着在过滤过的红土中浸泡过的衣服,事实上,那些是白衣服,变成了泥土的颜色,因为它们一直是用过滤过的泥土清洗的。









