

萨古鲁 Isha 2022-11-19

Sadhanapada is an opportunity to transform oneself on the deepest level. Structured as a 7-month residential program at Isha Yoga Center, the program is an offering from Sadhguru and an opportunity for those looking for inner transformation.

Learn to establish balance, clarity, emotional stability, and how to live an intense and energetic life by dedicating time to your  growth and well-being.

Sadhguru: In the yogic system, the time between summer solstice and winter solstice is generally referred to as, sadhanapada, at a time, particularly in the northern hemisphere, when sadhana yields its best results. We are opening what is called as sadhanapada, which runs for a period of six-and-a-half to seven months.

You may have money, you may have wealth, you may have so many things, but if this is not on in a big way, then all those things are just nuisance. If this is good, everything that comes is great. Whatever comes our way is fantastic. Because this is in a good place. This is what sadhana means that you make your body, mind and energy into a powerful tool.

In your body, you must be stronger and younger. In your mind, you must be sharper and much more stable. In your emotions, you must be very lucid. In your energies, you must be intense and stable. We want to bring these kind of people to the world. These are not people who are going to come and live in the ashram forever. But we want to open the doors of ashram so that six months of being here, when they go back, they must go back as much more stable and clear and wise life.

Speaker: I came to sadhanapada after I've been building up a career of twenty-one years, I was very successful, having the lifestyle I want. But something was lacking and Sadhguru’s book came to my hand, and that's how I came to Sadhanapada. Sadhanapada gave me this structured approach to spiritual path. I did rediscover my natural joy that I used to have when I was younger.

Speaker: No matter what is happening outside, I'm able to maintain my inner level of balance and also the intensity of experiences I am going through here, I have never been through such kind of intense experiences in my whole life.

Sadhguru: How effective a life you will be is essentially determined by what is the level of clarity you have, and how much balance you have. This will allow you the freedom to traverse this life as you wish. So much intelligence, so much talent, so much genius is all down the drain simply because people don't have stability, no balance. When you have balance, you have freedom.

Those of you who are…who feel little lost in the world, not because you're incompetent, you're doing well, but you feel lost in the world, this means your time is coming. Once you have a longing to do something in this life, you must do it in this life. This life’s longing is not for another life. This life’s longing is for this life.

So, we want to see that people who are working in large businesses, people who are in the government, people who are in important positions, take this six-month break and invest upon their own growth. This you must do to your life, that your body, your mind, your energies are never an impediment in your life.

If you use this properly in your life, in the rest of your life, you will always look back at this time as your insurance, no matter what life throws at you, doesn't matter what life throws at you, if you empower yourself well in this time, you will see that nothing really knocks you off. Once you have that assurance, you will do great things in the world.








