
致抄袭 | 晨读笔记05

立里 场市英语 2021-02-10
  • 泛读精句

1. 让成为你的产品或者服务的一部分。让你独特的思考方式成为你销售产品的一部分。

2. 让总裁对于顾客服务的执念注入到公司所做的一切上,Zappo变得独特。

3. 人们会因矛盾而兴奋,他们会站队。

4. 防御式公司不能朝前看,只能朝后看。

1. Make you part of your product of service. Inject what's unique about the way you think into what you sell. 

2. Zappo sets itself apart by injecting CEO's obsession with customer service into everything it does. 

3. People get stoked by conflict. They take sides.

4. Defensive companies can't think ahead; they can only think behind

  • 精读01- 抄袭可恶

1. 当你是学生的时候,模仿是个有用的工具,能让你发现自己的声音。但是在商业领域,抄袭剽窃就非常可恶了。

2. 抄袭一定会导致失败。问题在于你复制粘贴的时候,跳过了理解。

3. 原创者创造时的很大一部分心血都是无形的。抄袭无法传递想法、理解,对之后的决定也毫无益处。

4. 并且,抄袭者永远在追赶,永远无法超越。

1. When you are a student, this sort of limitation can be a useful tool on the path to discovering your own voice. Unfortunately, copying in the business arena is usually more nefarious

2. Copying is a formula for failure. The problem is that when you copy and paste, you skip and miss the understanding. 

3. So much of the work an original creator puts into something is invisible. The copy delivers no substance, no understanding, and nothing to base future decisions on. 

4. Plus, if you are a copycat, you never keep up. You are always in a passive position. You never lead; you always follow. 

  • 精读02- 管他们在做什么呢?

1. 这种心态就像贫瘠的土壤,不适合生命生长。

2. 竞争对手在做什么,这你控制不了,何必费神担心你控制不了的事情呢?

3. 太关注竞争对手只能让你稀释自己的见解。如果你一直给自己大脑灌输别人的想法,你不太可能有什么新想法。

4. 你需要自己重新定义规则,不要让竞争对手制定规则。

1. The mind-set is bad soil for growing anying. 

2. What your competitor is doing or will do is out or your control. What's the point of worring about things you can't control?

3. Focus on competitors too much and you wind up diluting your own vision. Your chances of coming up with something fresh go way down when you keep feeding your brain other people's ideas. 

4. You need to redefine the rules. Don't allow your competitors to set the parameters

  • 同义积累

执念 (3)

obsession, devotion, a strong set of beliefs

站队 (3)

rally to your side, take a stand, take sides

挑衅,较量,竞争 (3)

take on, jab, take a shot at

给自己定位成... (4)

bill oneself as, position oneself as, pit yourself as, sell oneself as

超过,打败 (3)

beat sb, one-up sb, outdo

  • 短语表达

1. 放在一起的对比

2. 人们常说,传统智慧

1. side-by-side comparison

2. conventional wisdom

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