
毕业十年-施翔 Shi Xiang

Dudu Du Laboratory 2022-10-20

原创 Dudu Du Laboratory 2022-05-16 08:37

『毕业十年』是Du laboratory以主题性策划发布的推送。我们将邀请离校(本科,硕士)十年以内,并在持续创作的艺术家分享他们的心路历程,感谢艺术家的授权,Du空间后续会发布不同主题性推荐。请朋友们多多关注。




Zhu He(Curator):

The outstanding artists of the post-80s generation all have their own different looks, which are finally expressed through the form of visual art. They can be called the new visual generation. Artists like Shi Xiang's generation, who are not bound by traditional ideas, are very aggressive; And they are willing to think about the history of their country and their nation, and do a lot of connecting work. Under such thinking, Shi Xiang uses charcoal and ink to rearrange the Chinese still life, which is a non-Western celebration of material, but an Eastern poetic exploration of the soul of still life. From MuXi, Qian Xuan until Qi Baishi such a road, melon and fruit still neglected in the daily side by artists to mining, in the creation of ShiXiang, he continued the previous Chinese artists for thinking still life, and the maximum resolution color, instead of objects of cognition, and the shape, size, and even the understanding of the object. This is the most touching aspect of Shi Xiang's works. He abandons all the interference factors endowed by desire, and re-opens a road to the object itself, which is often ignored by us, with his most simple and ascetic way of repeating lines. And at the same time also need to point out is, ShiXiang this generation of artists, they also are not limited to their own family, nationality, country, and he and they view can also be extended to the whole world, the world heritage of civilization, is no longer in their works in a mainstream idea, but to replace the same with flowers, In their eyes, rules and order can be broken and then established. In this generation, shi Xiang is undoubtedly one of the most sincere artists.








《黄州棉花no.12》局部57x48cm木炭、色粉 2022年













2016年 毕业于中央美术学院油画系 第四工作室 获硕士学位。现工作生活于北京
2022年 不要把月亮买走新锐艺术展
2021年 靳尚谊艺术基金会 第二届青年艺术家扶植计划
2021年 “理想化”艺术展
2019年  《10小时 对谈4》
2018年  《10小时 对谈3》
2017年  《八小时》ofo共享单车合作项目 艺术北京 
2017年  《10小时 对谈2》
2017年  第十一届全国水彩•粉画作品展览 石家庄市美术馆
2016年  《10小时 对谈1》
2016年  中央美术学院研究生毕业作品展览 中央美术学院美术馆
2016年  西一千 三人展 798泛空间
2016年  天天向上五周年回顾展 筑中美术馆
2016年  第一届花家地双年展 
2015年   中央美术学院 “第十一届画室开放日” 获“画室传承奖”
2015年   暖白小组第一回展 中央美术学院油画系展厅
2015年   追求卓越-首届学院艺术家油画邀请展全国巡展
2015年   法国“艺术8 ”中国青年艺术家奖展览  中法大学
2015年   中央美术学院 “学院本色”展览 
2015年  “天天向上”名师推荐展 筑中美术馆
2015年 追求卓越-来自学院的艺术家首届油画邀请展收官展 中国美术馆
2014年 麦积烟雨-中央美术学院油画系第四工作室写生汇报展 
2014年   中央美术学院 “第十届油画系画室开放日” 获优秀写生奖    作品《冥》《鸟》留校
2014年   中央美术学院 第二届凤凰艺术奖学金展
2014年   中央美术学院 第十届开放日获奖作品展
2014年  “从无知到无知 ”联展 中央美术学院油画系展厅
2014年   第十二届 全国美展 油画展 浙江美术馆
2012年   中央美术学院 “第八届油画系画室开放日”获优秀写生奖
2012年 “大同国际壁画双年展”山西省大同市和阳美术馆
2010年 “湖北美术学院优秀毕业作品展”获一等奖 湖北美术学院美术馆
2010年 “罗中立奖学金作品展” 四川美术学院美术馆
2010年 “湖北省1+1当代美术作品展”湖北省美术馆 并收藏

ShiXiang resume
He was born in Tieling, Liaoning province in 1987
In 2016, he graduated from the Fourth Studio of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree
He lives and works in Beijing
Don't buy the Moon in 2022
In 2021, Jin Shangyi Art Foundation's second Young Artist Support Plan
Idealized art Exhibition 2021
10 Hours of Conversation 4, 2019
10 Hours of Conversation 3 (2018)
2017 "Eight Hours" OfO Bike-sharing cooperation Project Art Beijing
10 Hours of Conversation 2, 2017
The 11th National Watercolor pink Painting Exhibition, Shijiazhuang Art Museum, 2017
10 Hours of Conversation 1, 2016
2016 CAFA postgraduate works Exhibition CAFA Art Museum
2016 West One Thousand Three Exhibition 798 Wide space
2016 Tian Tian Shang Fifth anniversary retrospective Exhibition, ZhuZhong Art Museum
The first HuaJiaDi Biennale in 2016
2015 Central Academy of Fine Arts "11th Studio Open Day" won the "Studio Inheritance Award"
2015 The first exhibition of Warm White Group, Exhibition Hall of Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts
2015 Pursuit of Excellence - the first College Artists Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition national tour
2015 French "Art 8" Chinese Young Artist Award Exhibition, University of France
2015 Central Academy of Fine Arts "Academy Essence" Exhibition
2015 "Day Day Up" recommended exhibition in ZhuZhong Art Museum
2015 Pursuit of Excellence - the first oil painting Invitational exhibition of artists from the College closed at the National Art Museum of China
2014 Maiji Misty Rain - Sketch report Exhibition of the Fourth Studio of Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts
2014 "10th Oil Painting Department Studio Open Day" of Central Academy of Fine Arts, outstanding sketching works "Destiny" and "Bird" stay in school
2014 The second Phoenix Art Scholarship Exhibition of Central Academy of Fine Arts
2014 The 10th Open Day exhibition of award-winning works of Central Academy of Fine Arts
2014 group exhibition "From Ignorance to Ignorance" exhibition hall of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts
2014 the 12th National Art Exhibition oil Painting Exhibition, Zhejiang Art Museum
2012 Excellent Sketching award in the 8th Open Day of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts
2012 Datong International Mural Biennale, Heyang Art Museum, Datong city, Shanxi Province
2010 "Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Outstanding Graduation Works Exhibition" won the first prize hubei Institute of Fine Arts Art Museum
2010 luo Zhongli Scholarship Exhibition, Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
2010 "Hubei province 1+1 Contemporary Art Exhibition" Hubei Art Museum and collection


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