
A Weekends House:HASU HAUS | 第五届CREDAWARD优秀高端住区项目

DJSER.com 地建师 2023-03-14





Client wish to create the community in these entire development areas where they got the block of land near the canal which near the city yet privacy. They want a place like a weekends house in order to escape from chaotic in big city, to be slow living and fully rest and gain the advantages from the site context as much as possible.


The design of Hasu Haus aims to reinterpreting the old way of living along with waterways, in context of modern lifestyle, and bringing back the tradition where Thai people lived with the river like the old time creates perfect harmony in the heart of the city.

The site is outside center of Bangkok, where the new developments are coming. Diagram shows the density of this area and the relationship between siteand neighborhood.

Therefore the design creates a continue vision and connection between people and surrounding yet privacy for the user.

The building is seven-storeycondominium housing 333 units of residence. Architect and client have a vision to improve the quality of active open-space along ‘Phra Khanong Canal’. So the ‘L-shape block’ incorporates to create enclosed courtyard by housing on all four sides.

Elevated housing units create permeable ground floor to catalysesocial engagement with the potential of proximity to waterfront.The carparkis included at street level underneath one building block on one side. This action creates pedestrian realm connecting courtyard to the canal.

The building nearest to the canal islifted by dark grey columns into high ceilings. This creates connection between the internal courtyard and the canal which is not only allowing good ventilation, but also a continuous field of view from the courtyard to the lotus pond, swimming pool, terrace space and out across the canal to the Buddhist temple.


Besides the common outdoor areas, gym and library are also placed along the canal. Their flat roof becomes second floor terrace, which is accessed by a spiral staircase standing sculpturally in the open area.


The design of main lobby follows the concept and name of project “ Hasu Haus” and aims to reinterpret the old way of living along with waterways, in context of modern life style.


The façade of the all 7 floors was created and separated by difference of unit sizes. The brown façade with vertical concrete sun-shading fins, which belongs to small units, is on the perimeter and lower floors. The white facade extends outward providing more living space inside. They are mostly on the upper floor, and fully applied on the internal courtyard and the canal sides.

Building A

Double window façades are working as sun-shading for internal unit dwelling, and can be closed for protecting tropical rain. The unit layout provides open plan room between living and bedroom enhancing ventilation.

Building B

Taking the site condition of being next to the canal, The block nearest to the canal is lifted to create the connection between the courtyard and the canel. It is not only for good ventilation, but also a continuous of activities and view from inside to outside.


The main materials of HasuHausare precast concrete as an external façade coated with color and skim coated. The full frame windows attached on the precast are made by aluminium powder coated finish. For the grill screen made by plastic composite teak wood and steel plate with spray painted in dark gray. Grill screen that covers CDU are aluminium powdered coating attached to precast.


A Thai pattern in traditional house, called “Pa Kon”, is created with new tectonic. They were applied to many building elements; the boundary wall, screens that welcomes residents along the porch and the pavilions in the internal courtyard. It allows natural light to enter while also preserving privacy for user.


The environmentally sustainable urban-related principle is to turn loss of shared open space into positive gain. The intention of the layout is creating a hierarchy of open spaces at different scale in between the buildings.


Project:Hasu Haus

Location:Sukhumvit 77 Rd., Bangkok, Thailand


Area:19,000 sqm


Collaboration:Creative Crews Ltd

Design Inception:December 2013

Start of Construction:September 2014

Completion date:January 2016

Consultant:W and Associates.Co., Ltd




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