
森林生态系统 | 丰树商业城

DJSER.com 地建师 2023-03-14







Construction progress starts from placing planter boxes and mounds throughout the area. The efficient water management system is also integrated, allowing mixed indigenous planting species to grow into a 'Forest Ecosystem'.

Green space covers up to 70% of the site area connecting ecological corridors from a natural reserve and parks nearby.

Network of pedestrian walkways in different width, as well as stepping stones, cuts through the mounds creating natural movement of people wandering through the forest.

The main walkway connected phase 1 and 2 is designed to cross over the bio-pond to enhance forest walk experience.

The bio-swale efficiently regulates drainage pattern and allows run-off to be slowly filtered through sandy layers, while the bio-pond nourishes healthy biodiversity of the site and surrounding area.

Mixed indigenous planting species and a bio-pond creates habitats for variety of wildlife and provide inviting green spaces for people. An art piece by Dan Graham reflects the greenery and blends in well with the nature.

The design encourages people to step out and enjoy outdoor activities among nature, to promote creativity and healthy lifestyle.

The green amphitheater is a public space catered for large group gathering during events or performances.

Tree canopies shades the area around the amphitheater, allowing just enough sunlight during daytime, and cooling down the microclimate of the area all day long.

Trees of various sizes from saplings to grown-ups are planted randomly on the mounds to create a serene and peaceful deep forest scenery.

Surrounding greenery continues under the building footprint, blurring a boundary between built and natural environment, and emphasizing harmony between human and nature.

Full functional sport facilities such as an outdoor fitness station and jogging route among greenery are provided to promote healthy lifestyles of the residents.

The a ‘Forest Ecosystem’ is created largely on top of the car park podium of Mapletree Business City II to connects ecological corridors from a natural reserve and parks nearby.

Bio-swale at the foot of each mound slows down the downpour and filter dirt and toxin. The pre-filtered rain water is then collected at the lowest point and flows into the rain water harvesting tank to be treated and recycles for irrigation. There are also Soft garden pathway – allowing lawns to grow up in-between , and Turf pave – adding stability to the lawn and stepping stones.

Indigenous Tree Species of Singapore are selected – Tropical Forest Species.

Indigenous Tree Species of Singapore are selected – Wind Tolerant Species, Shade Tolerant Species, and Moisture loving Species.

Indigenous Shrubs and Ground Cover Species of Singapore are selected – Low Shrub, High Shrub.

Indigenous Shrubs and Ground Cover Species of Singapore are selected – Wind Tolerant Shrub, Shade Tolerant Ground Cover, Shade Tolerant Shrub, Sun Loving Ground Cover, and Water Plants.

Bioswale plan – showing storm water management function.




业主单位:Shma Company Limited

景观设计:Shma Company Limited











2020 地建师设计节 


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