
城市明珠 | 杭州嘉里中心

DJSER.com 地建师 2022-12-14






Project Brief


Located near west lake, facing Yan'an Road to the east, Changshou Road to the west, Haier Lane to the north and Qingchun Road to the south, the site covers an area of about 101 mu with total development area of about 276,000 square meters. The project is an iconic fashion leisure center with multifunction in Hangzhou. The landscape and architecture are well integrated in terms of space, scale, function, color, and materials application. The landscape elements are interspersed in between, which makes the site as a pearl in the city, echoing to the West Lake at a distance. The cultural environment and the natural landscape are organically connected at various levels, full of vigor and vitality, rich in connotation and liveliness. The landscape design creates a space with exquisite environment which also integrates the beauty of natural scenery.

场地位置, 杭州 | Site Location; Hangzhou


In July 2005, Hong Kong Kerry Group acquired the land use right for RMB 2.46billion, and developed a high-quality mix use commercial center named ‘Hangzhou Kerry Center’ on this ‘Golden Land’.

项目旨在繁忙的都市中,给居民及广大消费者创造一个绿意盎然,充满生机,宜人舒适的多功能商业环境 。景观结合本地绿植、花卉、特色铺砖、别样水景、特制雕塑、艺术品、灯光等元素,营造舒适的可购物,可休憩、可互动的多样空间,为各类社区活动,如周末集市、户外剧场、音乐节等提供重要的场所,让人们在追求精致时尚都市生活的同时,也可以在这座城市迷人的商业花园环境中,体验新鲜有趣的事物,享受休闲舒适的生活方式。

The project aims to create a place full of green and vitality; a multi-functional business environment where people feel pleasant and comfortable; and a destination for the residents and consumers to play and enjoy. The landscape integrates various elements, including local plants, flowers, feature paving, unique water features, special sculpture, art works, lighting etc to create an enjoyable space for people with diverse purposes, such as shopping, resting and interacting with others. It provides an important venue for various community activities, including weekend market, outdoor theater, music festival etc, which allows people not only can pursue exquisite and fashionable urban life, but also experience new and interesting things, and enjoy leisure lifestyle at the attractive garden-like environment in the city.

设计层次, 功能 | Design Layers; Function


On the side of Changshou Road, a 50,000-square-meter five-star Shangri-La Hotel and its Banquet Center are built. The highest tower of the hotel is 85 meters, which is over ten meters higher than the "West Lake's Highest Tower" which was demolished by blasting previously. Along one side of Yan'an Road, a Grade A office building and shopping center are built, with shopping malls and apartment hotels next to Haier Lane. Considering the different requirement of the venue, a central square which covers an area of 10,000 square meters is created for people from all walks to play and enjoy. It applies the unique garden-like landscape design approach, which brings out the best of the provincial cultural protection unit -"Red Mansion" in the southeast corner of the site.


With the surrounding buildings as a buffer to ease the noise from the city, the landscape design help to create a comfortable and soothing environment for the citizens. At the same time, with the inspiration from the Chinese garden-like design, it organically integrates the architecture and the natural landscape at different levels, and refines the space with outdoor facilities and F&B functionalities, catering to create a space where people can not only enjoy the delicacy of the manmade environment, but also share the beauty of the natural landscape in the distance. With different function considered and various program planned, the site presents itself with infinite vigor and vitality.

设计层次,总平面 | Design Layers; Master Plan


The design needs to address different issues, including how to organically connect different building blocks, how to ideally plan vehicle and human circulation, how to smartly seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, how to scientifically cope with the soil depth issue, and how to present an integrated beautiful and functional environment. The landscape design emphasizes the connection between different buildings and space, and creates different opportunities for the visitors to celebrate the spirit of the place.

设计层次, 功能 | Design Layers; Function


Considering the spatial relationship formed by the building and its different requirements, the design is continuously adjusted, improved, optimized and refined to establish a strong indoor and outdoor relationship.

分区平面 | Area Plan


Through the definition of the space, from outdoor furniture, to enclosed tree arrays, and to the guidance of the core linear water feature, it is to create a progressive landscape focal space. Through multi-level pavement, with the application of the local planting and water features, the embellishment of landscape elements, the definition of lively and interesting space, and the integration of different activities, it is to create a place that can not only meet the use of different functions, but also keep good balance between open space and private space, and create a comfortable environment for business, living and culture communication.

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The seating area created by the planters, integrated with lighting and water features can be flexibly used according to different requirements, which represent the  functionality and aesthetics, and encourage people to engage and interact with each other.

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The water feature at the entrance of the hotel is simple and graceful, which avoids complexity and is integrated with plantings and lighting.

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Flexible outdoor space with flowers and trees brings people comfortable leisure experience, and helps enhance the outdoor space experience and encourage a brand new urban lifestyle.

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The dynamic fountain and cascading water feature combined with point-like lighting are very delicate, subtle and elegant, which has become the focal point of the entrance plaza.

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The creation of semi-open and semi-private space can meet the special needs of different groups for functional environment. The flowing water curtain in the distance not only brings a cool feeling and refreshing experience in the summer, but also helps to enclose the space, creating a pleasant ambience with unique charm.

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Landscape elements such as plants and outdoor furniture help to define the space with human scale, specially, creating garden-like exquisite experience; visually, allowing the enjoyment of openness.  

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The dynamic water jets add the vitality to the commercial space and create a more friendly lively space, which not only attracts people, but also becomes the focal point at the entrance of the shopping mall.

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The catering space surrounded by plants, brings pleasant quality experience to different consumer and demonstrates a brand new lifestyle.

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The outdoor sitting area helps to define the space and attract people to stay and rest, which demonstrate the functionality of the space and enhance its commercial value.

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The organ sculpture is integrated in the water feature, which presents the beauty with its unique language, and help to inspire people’s imagination. Here, the sound of water, wind and music, is pleasant and refreshing.

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The outdoor Food and Beverages area is more attractive after the rain in the dusk. The feature paving and architecture harmoniously complement each other.

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The design application of landscape elements, such as water features, paving, flowers, pot etc reflects the beautiful rhythm formed by sequence and hierarchy found in the landscape.

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The tangible value and intangible value are constantly presented through the interaction between people and the space.

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The feature paving design defines different spaces and creates various spatial experiences. The utilization of abundant local seasonal plants keeps the site full of vitality and creates a more comfortable and people friendly environment.

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In addition to considering the special aboriginality, the design of plants also take the natural attribute of its seasonal change into account. As time changing,  a rich and varied environment has been shaped, colorful, picturesque and poetic. Seasonal trees in the courtyard help people retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, encouraging people to slow down, walk into nature, find and appreciate its beauty.

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The site presents various scenes with people enjoy special experience in different time. During the raining season, the light and shadow are interlaced. It seems that the feature sculptures are recalling the history and culture, recounting the beauty of the city and demonstrating the legend of the land.

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The commercial plaza in winter is still full of people, filled with a lively festival atmosphere and commercial ambience.

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The water features integrate different design expression requirements, and help define the space for functionality, participation and interactivity. It creates another beautiful scene and attracts people of different ages to play and enjoy.

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The water features and plants form a delightful contrast, shaping the space with different functions of various characteristics, either open or private, which provide each participant with a pleasant and comfortable experience.

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The appropriate shallow pond in the commercial atrium is planted with aquatic plants, which brings people different visual impact and demonstrates the place of interactivity with fun, and of engagement with aesthetics.

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The water features either are dynamic or tranquil; playful or static, with the integration of plantings, and add the infinite vitality and vigor to the site.

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No matter it is presenting the prosperity of spring or summer, or the tranquil beauty of autumn or winter, through the selection of feature plantings, the site is showing its charm and beauty in different seasons.

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In the featured spaces, people can choose to stay or stroll, enjoying different experiences and creating different stories.

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Integrated with the indoor and outdoor environment, the colored lattice pavement is designed as a carpet, creating an outdoor meeting area in a prosperous city.

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Landscape elements such as lighting and sculpture are integrated in the scene to create a pleasant atmosphere and enhance the quality of the project. The Red Mansion plaza is closely connected with the central plaza, which keeps the original characteristics of the "Red Mansion" and brings with the vigor and vitality. Landscape and architecture are interacted and integrated infinitely.







建筑设计:WOY 王欧阳(香港)有限公司

Project Information

Client: Kerry Real Estate (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd

The completion time: October 30, 2016

Project Category: Commercial(Mix-use)

Landscape Design Consultant: Design Land Collaborative Ltd

Architecture Design Consultant:Wong & OuYang(HK)Ltd









2020 地建师设计节 


地建师设计节DJSER Design Festival(DDF)是由在中国地区享有盛誉的地产设计行业专业平台——地建师发起。


旨在协助设计决策者洞察未来趋势,推动行业上下游产业链的健康发展。DDF现场精彩活动:CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国、20X20 设计论坛、企业联合精品展示等。

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