
评委阵容 | 第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国

DJSER.com 地建师 2022-12-14




CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 全体评委感谢众多海内外优秀项目的参与,因为你们毫不保留,不计回报的将优秀的作品同台竞技,才能促进行业真正的进步发展。感谢每一位参赛机构用自己的实际行动来证明,作为肩负社会发展的重要参与者,我们恪守对原则的尊重,悍卫建筑的灵魂。




 地产评委 | Developer Judge

陈建邦  K.B. Albert Chan



Co-Chairs/Executive Committee

瑞安房地产发展有限公司 | 规划发展及设计总监

Director of Development Planning & Design

Shui On Land



It is expected that China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) can display outstanding real estate design works with commercial value, community value and architectural art value.

常宇  Yu Chang

祥源控股集团股份有限公司 | 副总裁

Vice President

Sunriver Holding Group Co.,Ltd.


CREDAWAED地产设计大奖·中国 推动设计创新、引领设计潮流、树立设计典范!

China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), promotes innovation, leads trends, and sets a paradigm in design !

陈栋梁  Dongliang Chen

上海朗绿科技股份有限公司 | 总裁、董事、创始合伙人

President/Director/Founding Partner

Shanghai Landleaf Architectural Technology Co.,Ltd.


在解决居住的有无问题之后,我们对房子有了更多的期望。好的设计不仅是真、善、美的体现,更是地产成功经营的基石,还是我们对美好生活的规划!期望CREDAWAED地产设计大奖·中国 能引领地产行业的设计理念,让设计创造更多的价值!

After solving the problem of having a shelter to live, we have more expectations for the house. It’s clear that a good design is not only a reflection of truth, kindness and beauty, but also a cornerstone of the successful operation of real estate, as well as, our plan for a better life!  Thus, I hope China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), to lead the design concept of the real estate industry and make design create more value!

丁芳  Deena Ding

东原集团 | 副总裁

Vice President

Dowell Real Estate



China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), upholds the consensus value as well as fair and just evaluation to praise, award and publicize an eco-friendly, people-friendly and superb design work as well as its designer.

范炜  Wei Fan

保利发展控股集团 | 陕西公司总经理

General Manager of Shaanxi Company

Poly Developments and Holdings Group



I hope we make concerted efforts to do more "architecture" and less "buildings" to jointly facilitate the healthy development of the real estate industry!

范逸汀  Yiting Fan


执行委员Executive Committee

旭辉控股(集团)有限公司 | 副总裁、首席产品官

Vice President、CPO

CIFI Holdings ( Group ) Co.,Ltd.



In recent years, with the scale of China’s real estate continually expanding, the domestic commercial housing market  reached 16 trillion in 2019, which contributed to the changing The China Real Estate Design Award, also known as ,as well as, the changing CIFI Group. It can be said that China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD)has witnessed the growing process of the ongoing breakthrough in the field of product design. As the  real estate industry gets mature and values its products , I believe the future works will be more productive and valuable, and I hope the level of CREDAWARD will reach record high , I hope we will write a new history together as well.

方芳  Fang Fang


执行委员Executive Committee

万达集团 | 万达商业规划研究院副总规划师

Deputy Chief Panner of Wanda Commercial Planning Institute

Wanda Group



由于受众面广大,就意味着建筑需要很强的前瞻性以及市场定位,也需要魄力并与时俱进的决断并深度了解消费者的消费习惯和商铺租户的真实需求,这些方面都考虑到是很难的, 需要很多时间的磨练并且不断复盘总结和改进。我认为好的商业建筑才是建筑中的极品。


When it comes to "commercial buildings", some people view that they are not as grand as museums, cultural centers, and educational buildings. On the other hand, there is a very popular belief that "Excessive Commercialization " has a negative meaning for judging a building, while commercial buildings are those that are truly built for mainstream groups, and are an extension of "niche", that is, "public" buildings.Due to covering massive people, it means that the building not only needs a strong forward-looking and market positioning, but also requires a bold and up-to-date determination and a deep understanding of consumers’ consumption habits and the real needs of shop tenants. In fact, it is a tough job to take all those factors into consideration, which takes a lot of time to accumulate experience and constantly review and improve. I think good commercial buildings are the best in architecture.

We hope to work with all parties in the real estate and design industries to reshape the present monotonous city into a more personal and aesthetically attractive living space. Perhaps China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), is like "throwing one stone into a lake", which means it will have a ripple effect on the real estate and design industry. But I believe more and more people will see the beauty in the ripples.

冯腾飞  Tengfei Feng


执行委员 Executive Committee

雪松产投集团 | 副总裁

Vice President

Cedar Industry Investment Group



Looking back, , there are not only countless lessons and experience but also many visible achievements, which are lingering on my mind. No matter how things change in the world, as long as the industry is still there, the real estate design is there. China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), shall hold the persistent spirit, forge ahead and win a win-win future.

高峰  Feng Gao

融创中国 | 北京区域集团青岛区域研发设计中心总经理

General Manager of R&D Center of Beijing Regional Group QingDao Company

Sunac Group



China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) has been improving through those years. Every year, the number of works is growing, the quality of works is being improved, the organizational ability is getting efficient , and more influential judges are being involved. We hope that through our joint efforts, we will inspire continuous innovation in the industry and encourage designers to constantly innovate. No matter how the industry rises and falls, we hope that the product power brought by the design we have reviewed and advocated will always be the catalyst of the industry.

胡浩  Hao Hu

中国奥园集团 | 高级副总裁

Senior Vice President

China Aoyuan Group



I would like to convey my sincere thanks to all my colleagues for your support in publishing this book! For many years, China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), based on its impartial and professional judging awards, has promoted the product design of the entire industry to constantly become outstanding. Up to now, the product power has  become the undoubted core competitiveness of real estate companies. Especially in the post-epidemic era, the entire industry has reflected and upgraded its products, paying more attention to the humanization of the living environment and returning to a healthy lifestyle. We expect the excellent products to continuously emerge from the stage of CREDAWARD and we also look forward to enjoying the better and healthier city in the future.

黄天龙  Terence Wong

香港置地集团 | 中国区物业发展及投资副董事兼设计主管

Associate Director & Head of Design,China Property

Hongkong Land


CREDAWARD 地产设计大奖·中国是非常有意义的一个奖项活动,我们关注市场的变化,对应市场的需求,每年度组织评核筛选行业内的优秀作品并颁发奖项。我们致力于推动中国地产业更卓越健康更高水平的发展方向,同时肩负宣传中国地产界和设计界的责任,组织对外国际交流和对内跨界跨专业交流分享,促进行业内的互动交流和技术创新分享,共同把中国建筑迈向更国际化,更能引领时尚、文化体验的艺术载体。

China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) is meaningful. We focus on market changes and respond to market needs. We annually organize to review and screen the outstanding works in real estate industry and award them. We are committed to promoting the better, higher and healthier development of real estate industry in China . At the same time, we shoulder the responsibility of publicizing the Chinese real estate industry and the Chinese design community, organize international communication and cross-professional ideas exchange at homeland, and promote interaction, communication and sharing technological innovation within the industry, jointly facilitate Chinese architecture to go to the world, to lead the fashion and to let the world taste Chinese culture.

黄宇奘  Yuzang Huang

碧桂园集团 | 副总裁

Vice President

Country Garden Group



With an active and open mind,China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), always upholds an objective and impartial professional judging attitude and industry credibility to attract architects/designers at home and abroad to demonstrate the excellent design innovation and exploration of future trends on this platform! I expect CREDAWARD with the joint efforts of all judges and architects/designers from the real estate industry, will truly become the most appealing and influential award in China and have the same influence as The Pritzker Architecture Prize does in the future!

贾朝晖  Zhaohui Jia



Co-Chairs/Executive Committee

融创中国 | 东南区域集团公建产品中心总经理

General Manager of Public Construction Product Center of Southeast Region Group

Sunac Group



We invite the world-wide outstanding projects to be demonstrated in China, letting the design elites from the world gather at China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD). I hope we will jointly make Chinese design excelled in the world , letting Chinese architecture communicate with the world and Chinese culture have a seat in the world stage.

彭冲  Chong Peng

融信集团 | 副总裁

Vice President

Ronshine Group



Select outstanding real estate projects, promote the innovation of the housing system, and lead the way of future living!

钱毅  Yi Qian

雨润控股集团 | 党委书记兼副总裁

Vice President

YuRun Holdings Group Co.,Ltd.



I hope that through China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), we can further integrate Chinese cultures and ideas into Western ones ,carry forward traditional Chinese culture, promote the healthy development of real estate industry in China, expand communicating scope in professional field, and actively guide the direction of mainstream development of real estate products, contribute a positive effort for Chinese people to live in eco–friendly and high-quality houses and to enjoy a better life.

戎武杰  Wujie Rong 


执行委员Executive Committee

绿地集团 | 总建筑师、技发部总经理

Chief Architect

Greenland Group



As an architect, I enjoy the value that design brings beautiful changes to people, although it is true that sometimes a design is just a dream. As a real estate architect, I still enjoy the moment when I bring the confidence into the architects and designers who are full of ingenuity to realize their dreams. To my knowledge, I think China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) is a shining stage!

寿东  Dong Shou

鲁能集团 | 杭州区域设计总监

Design Director of Hangzhou Branch

Luneng Group


CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 将是国内外瞩目的一流奖项,希望大奖能够越走越高,涵盖更多的国内外优秀作品,通过设计链接中国与世界!

China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) will be a first-class award that attracts attention domestically and globally in the future. I hope that CREDAWARD will continuously reach a higher level , cover more outstanding works from home and abroad, and link China and the world with design!

田九坡  Jone Tian

中国金茂控股集团 | 总裁助理

President Assistant

China Jinmao Holdings Group



May China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), get better and become the benchmark of real estate design.

冼耀强  Yaoqiang Xian

雅居乐地产 | 副总裁

Vice President

Agile Property



It’s a great honor to be invited to be a member of the Jury of China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD). Surely, CREDAWARD not only grants an award to exhilarate the people who are in real estate industry, but also offers a platform that can shine good projects and designs. I hope we will take this grand event to discover the brightest projects and the cutting-edge designs in real estate industry.

许洁  Jie Xu

建发房产 | 总建筑师

Chief Architect

C&D Real Estate



In an era of good time, a grand stage will make your talents shining and go publicity, and China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) is the very stage to show your talents!

杨凡  Fan Yang

华侨城华东集团 | 总建筑师

Chief Architect

OCT Eastern China Investment Co.,Ltd.


CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 是联通地产和设计行业的桥梁,更是两个行业融合和交流的重要平台。愿大奖有着更加广泛的影响力,更加专业的判断力,更长久的生命力。

China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) is not only a bridge to connect real estate industry with design but also an important platform for they to integrate and communicate. May CREDAWARD have wider influence, more professional judgment, and longer vitality.

阴杰  Jerry Yin


执行委员Executive Committee

铁狮门 | 董事总经理、设计与工程

Managing Director/Design & Construction

Tishman Speyer


非常荣幸参与到CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 的评委会的工作中来,让我们一起用心发现属于中国的好建筑,代表世界水准的好设计!希望更多优秀作品、杰出的设计公司参与到奖项中来!

It is my honor to be a part of China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) jury! Let us devote to discovering a good building that belongs to China, and represents a world-class design! I also hope more excelled works and outstanding design companies will participate in CREDAWARD!

于鹏  Steven Yu

华宇集团 | 研发管理中心总经理

GM, Administration Center of R&D

Huayu Group Co., Ltd



Based on the foundation of fairness and justice, China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) , digs the outstanding contemporary works in China. CREDAWARD will become the most respected and expected design award in real estate industry in China!

张春玲  Chunling Zhang

豫园股份 | 合伙人、首席设计师

复地企业发展有限公司 | 合伙人、高级副总裁

Partner & Chief Design Officer


Partner & Senior Vice President

Shanghai Forte Enterprise Development Co.,Ltd.




China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), represents the highest level of design work in real estate industry. As the first international design award in China, selected from the perspective of real estate, it has great influence and appeal in this industry, and will definitely become an important force to promote the development of real estate design in China, as well as, will become the most credible design award in real estate industry in China.

Based on the platform set by CREDAWARD, you can not only communicate and discuss with judges who are equally excellent but also understand and share the latest real estate and design trends; at the same time, you can also understand the various points from excellent real estate architects, and find like-minded partners, as well as, meet excellent design companies and high-quality materials enterprise.

张兆强  Zhaoqiang Zhang


执行委员Executive Committee

阳光城集团 | 总建筑师、高级合伙人

Vice President/Senior Partner

Yango Group




I hope China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), with a high-level, fair and just belief, sticks to become a platform to promote the development of real estate design in China as well as for the real estate architects to communicate and predict the industry trend, quickly learn and understand the product level of local companies and the design capabilities of design institutions.

During my time as a judge of CREDAWARD , I am very proud of seeing the team of judges is growing , the level of participating companies is getting higher and higher, the magnitude of CREDAWARD is getting bigger and bigger in this industry, and its influence is getting expanded year by year.

朱晓涓  Xiaojuan Zhu



Co-Chairs/Executive Committee

上海证大房地产 | 副总裁

Vice President

Shanghai Zendai Property Co.,Ltd.



With an international perspective, professional standards, and strong social influence, CREDAWARD, is unique, authoritative, and fair. Thanks to the tremendous works involved in the annual event and the difficulty of winning the award, it has become the arena for excellent design companies to compete and the stage for outstanding real estate works to display. CREDAWARD will strive to promote the communication and development of real estate design and become a professional sharing platform and window for architects and real estate professionals.

祝峥  Zheng Zhu

金地集团 | 设计总监

Design Director

Gemdale Corporation



The current real estate design in China is becoming more and more mature, and the consumer is becoming more and more quality-oriented and rational, which require real estate design to look into insights and continuously innovate. I hope that more and more value-creating design works will become the industry benchmark and lead the future development of real estate design through the broad and authoritative platform of CREDAWARD.

 学术支持 | Academic Reprensentative

孟建民  Jianmin Meng






Chief Architect of Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Executive Director of Architectural Society of China

Master Tutor of South China University of Technology

Doctoral Supervisor of Southeast University


希望CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 成为倡导“本原设计”的重要平台,将“健康”、“高效”与“人文”要素作为评价参评项目的准绳与标尺。

I hope that China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD) will become an important platform for promoting "original design", taking the elements of "health", "efficiency", and "humanities" as the criteria and scale for judging works.

王建国  Jianguo Wang







Frontiers of Architectural Research主编

Professor of Southeast University

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Executive Director of Urban Planning Society of China

Executive Director of Architectural Society of China

Deputy Director of Architectural Arts Committee of China Artists Association

Member of Urban and Rural Planning Expert Committee of MOHURD

Chief Editor of Frontiers of Architectural Research



With massive urbanization, the real estate developers and architects will be blessed with more opportunities to be involved in urban design. I hope that China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), sticking to the evaluation criteria based on architecture, aesthetics and economic benefits, will spread outstanding projects and the cutting-edge design concept, as well as, set the sound value for the real estate design industry.

庄惟敏  Weimin Zhuang




Dean & Professor & Doctoral Supervisor , School of Architecture,Tsinghua University

Dean & Chief Architect,Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering



I hope that China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), will not only bring together real estate design concepts but also lead real estate design ideas.

 荣誉主席 | Honorary Chairman

邢同和  Tonghe Xing

资深总建筑师   高级建筑师(教授级)  国家级专家  邢同和建筑创作研究室  主任   同济大学教授、博士生导师  

Senior Chief Architect

Senior Engineer (Professor)

National Class Expert

Director of Xing Tong He Archintect Design Studio

Professor & Mentor of Doctor of Shanghai Tong Ji University



China Real Estate & Design Award (abbr. CREDAWARD), is a fruitful gathering of elites and stars in real estate industry. It is a leading event to promote the real estate industry to enhance its brand. It is a driving force to build a foothold in the market and promote the urbanization development in China!

→第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 评委团甄选出524份入围作品将于8.28-8.29线上金银奖逐鹿,扫下方二维码一起在线围观!










CREDAWARD (China Real Estate & Design Award) as the first international award of real estate architecture design born in China market in 2014.

Seeking for the Soul of Buildings, Leading the Way Towards the Development of Future Cities.

CREDAWARD has rapidly developed into an influential international real estate design award in China real estate industry because of the authoritative judges, strict judging process and the open selection mode. Now it is praised by the industry as one of the most challenging awards in China.








2020 地建师设计节 正式起航!地建师设计节DJSER Design Festival(DDF)是由在中国地区享有盛誉的地产设计行业专业平台——地建师发起。
旨在协助设计决策者洞察未来趋势,推动行业上下游产业链的健康发展。DDF现场精彩活动:CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国、20X20 设计论坛、企业联合精品展示等。

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