

五万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-12-22







Institution/Organization: Ghent University

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics


The Department of Linguistics at Ghent University opens a fully funded 4-year PhD position within the ERC-funded project CAUSALITY. The goal of the project is to investigate causes of language change and conservativity using formal theoretical modeling, artificial agent simulations, and empirical data from historical treebanks of three West Germanic languages: Dutch, English, and Low German. In addition to the theoretical objectives, the project aims at significantly enlarging an existing small treebank of historical Dutch.

Position Description:

- At least 90% of the assignment will be spent on academic research in preparation of a doctoral dissertation.
- The research area of the PhD project will cover historical changes in subject encoding (overt (pro)nominal arguments, verbal affixes) from the perspective of formal semantics and pragmatics and quantitative corpus-based modeling.
- In addition to theoretical research, the position involves an active participation in constructing a historical treebank of Dutch.

Position support:

- A scholarship contract of indefinite duration with a maximum term of 4 years.
- The contract will start on 15/02/2023 at the earliest;
- The remuneration will be determined by salary scale WM1. (For more
information about UGent salary scales https://www.ugent.be/en/work/talent/welcoming-new-staff/salaryscales/wpwm2.htm)
- Bespoke training for the successful candidate will be available through the Doctoral
School’s curriculum (https://www.ugent.be/doctoralschools/en/regulations). Every PhD student at Ghent University can compose a training curriculum of a selection of specialist and transferrable skills courses as required. Specifically, there is the possibility to follow courses on statistical treatment of natural language data at Ghent University and within the Flanders’ Training Network for Methodology and Statistics (FLAMES), as well as the possibility to acquire the necessary background in formal semantics and pragmatics.
- All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, a bicycle allowance and eco vouchers.
- Full support for participation in international conferences, thematic workshops, and trainings.

Position prerequisites:

- Master’s degree in formal theoretical or computational linguistics with a strong interest in natural language change.
- An active knowledge of at least basic statistical concepts and readiness to learn more.
- Fluency in oral and written English.

CAUSALITY project description: https://research.ugent.be/web/result/project/8b886689-febf-49b8-8c63-f84a68bfa2c3/details/causality-41u05622-modeling-causes-of-language-change-and-conservatism/en

Application procedure:

Please send the following documents as pdf’s to Prof. Alexandra Simonenko at alexandra.simonenko (at) ugent.be by 2/12/2022:

- CV
- Motivation letter (max. 2 pages)
- Diploma. If you have a foreign diploma in a language other than Belgian national languages (Dutch, French or German) or English, please add a translation in one of the mentioned languages.
- An overview of the relevant coursework (max. 1 page).
- 2 reference letters: please arrange to be sent directly to Prof. Alexandra Simonenko at alexandra.simonenko (at) ugent.be.

As Ghent University maintains an equal opportunities and diversity policy, everyone is encouraged to apply for this position.

For more information about this vacancy, please contact Prof. Alexandra Simonenko (alexandra.simonenko (at) ugent.be).

Applications Deadline: 12-Dec-2022

Contact Information:
        Alexandra Simonenko






审    核:心得君





