
Is the right labor contract executed?

Sophie Mao LegalTips 2021-10-21

After a long negotiation and mailcorrespondence, the employer finally offers you the labor contract. However,before you sign on it, make sure you check it thoroughly:


Are all terms and conditions you discussedbefore included in this contract, including all the promises the employer madein the offer letter?


Probably the employer would say that ouremails and the offer letter are effective too. But, does the contract say that all these correspondence and offerletter are appendixes to the contract?


If not, then here is the problem, if thereare differences between the previous correspondence and the labor contract,then the latest paper-labor contract would be treated as the final and bindingcontract between the parties, replacing all the terms and conditions theparties discussed before.


Conclusion: Check the labor contract thoroughly, make sure it includes all points containedin previous paper, otherwise, you may require include all previous paper asappendix to the contract.

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Are you protected by labor Law?

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