
大师课程 | 乔姆斯基等:语言,思维和大脑

2020年第48期 理论语言学五道口站 2021-03-16


《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第48期,总第112期)为大家分享一则大师课程信息:由MIT语言学系荣休教授、亚利桑那大学Agnese Nelms Haury项目主席、亚历桑那大学语言学系荣誉教授、北京语言大学荣誉教授、著名语言学家Noam Chomsky与亚利桑那大学语言学系杰出教授Thomas Bever以及亚利桑那大学认知科学、语言学和心理学教授Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini 共同讲授的 “语言,思维和大脑” (Language,Mind,and Brain)线上课程将于今年10月推出,大家可以注册远程学习。详情如下。

注:本消息由组织者之一、课程主讲教师Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini教授授权《理论语言学五道口站》公开发布。



Course Instructors

 Noam Chomsky

乔姆斯基被认为是现代语言学的奠基人,是现代语言学史上被引用最多的学者之一。他的开创性著作包括《句法结构》、《语言与心智》、《句法理论的若干问题》以及《最简方案》 ,每一本书都对该领域的发展做出了杰出的贡献。他获得过许多奖项,包括京都奖——“基础科学”类、亥姆霍兹奖和本杰明·富兰克林计算机与认知科学奖。



Considered the founder of modern linguistics,Noam Chomsky is one of the most cited scholars in modern history. Among his groundbreaking books are “Syntactic Structures”, “Language and Mind,” “Aspects of the Theory of Syntax,” and “The Minimalist Program,” each of which has made distinct contributions to the development of the field. He has received numerous awards, including the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, the Helmholtz Medal and the Ben Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science.

Chomsky introduced the Chomsky hierarchy, generative grammar and the concept of a universal grammar, which underlies all human speech and is based in the innate structure of the mind/brain. Chomsky has not only transformed the field of linguistics, his work has influenced fields such as cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, computer science, mathematics, childhood education, and anthropology.

Chomsky joined the UA in fall 2017, coming from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked since 1955 and was Institute Professor, later Institute Professor emeritus. 

Thomas  Bever



Thomas Bever is Regents’ Professor of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona, Professor of Cognitive Science, and Professor of Psychology.

He is one of the world’s most renowned scholars of language and mind. His research spans multiple disciplines in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, biology and philosophy, with ongoing projects in sentence comprehension, cerebral asymmetries in humans and animals, constraints on learning in humans and animals, spatial cognition in humans and animals, reading, and aesthetics. 

Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini


主要研究方向: 认知科学、语言与思维、语言的生物学基础、语言演变

Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini is Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of Arizona, member of the Cognitive Science Program, of the Department of Psychology and of the Department of Linguistics.

Research Interests: Cognitive Science, language and mind, biological foundations of language, language evolution



Course Information

此次 Community Classroom 课程为期七周,你将有机会与现代语言学奠基人诺姆·乔姆斯基教授一起学习语言和认知的相关知识!该课程将由亚利桑那大学Agnese Nelms Haury项目主席,语言学系荣誉教授乔姆斯基、语言学系杰出教授汤姆·贝弗以及认知科学和语言学、心理学教授马西莫·皮亚泰利-帕尔马里尼共同讲授。

本课程将语言看作观察人类思维和大脑的透镜,在 “生物语言学”领域进行更加深入的探索。诺姆·乔姆斯基于上世纪50年代所提出的这一研究主题则一直致力于对语言和思维展开科学探究。此次课程与该主题共通,即语言和其他心智能力是基于遗传能力、个体成长、经验认知、自然约束和计算限制的结合。三位教授将轮流授课,并讨论一系列将语言研究与思维和大脑研究相结合的话题。


This seven-week Community Classroom course will give you a chance to study language and cognition with the founder of modern linguistics, Professor Noam Chomsky. The course will be co-taught by Professor Chomsky, UA Agnese Nelms Haury Chair and Laureate Professor of Linguistics; Linguistics Regents' Professor Tom Bever; and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, Professor of Cognitive Science, Linguistics and Psychology.

This linguistics course will use language as a lens into the human mind and brain, and will follow and explore the field of "biolinguistics," the scientific investigation of language and mind that Noam Chomsky has been developing since he founded the program of study 70 years ago. The main theme of Chomsky's program and the course is that language and other mental abilities are based in a combination of genetic capacities, maturation, experience, physical and computational constraints. Professors Chomsky, Bever, and Piattelli-Palmarini will take turns lecturing, and time will be allotted for discussions on a range of topics that integrate the study of language with research on the mind and brain.

As an adaptation for COVID conditions, this course will be offered online for people to access remotely, with videos available each week on the different topics, along with suggested readings. Participants will view these videos on their own schedule.They can then submit questions and comments for the instructors to address in six live online sessions.


Class Dates


October 15, 2020 to December 09, 2020


Meeting Days

• 在线直播会议: 图森时间--10月15日、10月 27日、11月3日、11月10日、11月24日、12月9日上午10点

• Live Online Sessions: Oct. 15, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, Nov. 10, Nov. 24, Dec. 9 @ 10 AM Tucson time


Readings and Syllabus


Registered participants will receive access to all the posted readings at the beginning of the course. Unlike their fellow UA students, community members do NOT take quizzes and exams or write papers, and can go through the readings at their own choice and pace.



Attendance & Participation


Community Classroom还将通过亚利桑那大学的Zoom平台提供在线直播课程。课程全程录制,并在结束后与注册学生进行分享,以方便那些无法参加直播课程的学生进行学习。

Participants will have access to three to six hours of pre-recorded lectures weekly.Those lectures are either by one or more instructors, and are generally recorded in one-hour segments. Sometimes the instructors will also provide special supplementary videos to give historical background, specific examples of phenomena, and experiments to observe.

There will also be several LIVE ONLINE sessions offered via the University of Arizona Zoom platform. Those sessions will be recorded and shared with registered students after each session to facilitate access for those who cannot make the live sessions.



300美元 ($300)




Students wanting to take this course are asked to kindly provide a letter of introduction by one of their professors certifying that they are regularly registered students in their university and that they are expected to follow the course with interest and profit.They are not required to pay any fee.

Applications are to be sent to Prof. Thomas G.Bever tgb@email.arizona.edu

此项信息由Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini





Online registration for this workshop is now open. After registration participants will receive instructions about how to access the workshop online.



此次课程支持退款,如需退款请在10月21日前进行申请。如需退课,请致电520-621-5111联系Kerstin Miller或发送电子邮件至sbs-community matters @ email . Arizona. edu。每次取消将收取25美元的管理费。

Refunds are available and need to be requested before or by October 21.To drop a class, please contact Kerstin Miller at 520-621-5111 or sbs-communitymatters@email.arizona.edu (link sends e-mail). A $25 administrative fee for each cancellation will apply.






人物专栏 | Linda Badan教授访谈



编辑:王平 高洁


审校:安镜儒 陈旭

