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翻译杨安泽的演讲 陌上美国 2019-09-16


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8月23日,Andrew Yang(杨安泽)出席民主党全国委员会在加州召开的党内会议,给出了极具震撼力的演讲。





主持人[00:00:00]欢迎Andrew Yang!


Andrew Yang [00:00:21]你们好,DNC的成员!和你们在一起真是太棒了。这是一种荣誉和特权。因为你们可以控制这个国家的未来。这就是为什么你们通过制定规则、章程和依据,谋求好的结果。









(再举个例子)当你打电话咨询,拨通一家大公司的客户服务热线。你会怎么做?你的下一步是什么?你大概像我一样,拨0 0 0,那边回答是“客服,转下一个客服,转下一个客服,......”直到终于将你转到合适的人。





Andrew Yang [00:03:21]而我大概算个政治家。(众人大笑)



Andrew Yang [00:04:07]你们第一次听到它,可能第一反应是这是个噱头(这家伙是个骗子)。这个计划永远不可能实现。

但如果你深入了解我们国家的历史,你会发现这是一个非常美国化的想法。我们的国父,托马斯·潘恩,称之为“公民红利”。马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)支持它,并在60年代为之奋斗。他在1968年被暗杀的那一天,还在推广公民自由红利。

在60年代和70年代,有超过一千位的经济学家认可UBI很主流。在1971年,UBI两次以“家庭援助计划法案(the Family Assistance Plan)”的形式通过了美国众议院(注:请参考本号今天第一篇文章补充阅读)。11年后,一个州通过了该法案。现在该州的每个公民每年收到一到两千美元。大家都很喜欢。
Andrew Yang [00:04:43]那是哪个州?他们如何支付UBI?



Andrew Yang [00:04:48] 21世纪的“石油”是什么?






Andrew Yang [00:06:12]我了解到这个现实。我是个行动派。行动来自于实践操作。我们必须赋予草根民众力量。我们不能停留在原地去谈自下而上的涓滴经济。







Andrew Yang [00:07:31]这实际上是一个对所有美国人民都有价值的经济计划。现在,民主党正在被描画成爱花钱的政党。我们希望推动社会前进,我们需要正确的衡量标准来做到这一点。

Andrew Yang [00:07:44]所以我们必须尽可能快地让美国人民了解这些经济政策革新。我们需要去解决那些让唐纳德·特朗普当选的问题。






Andrew Yang [00:08:29]感谢你们!我们一起来让美国人更深刻地思考,并赢得2020年大选的胜利!谢谢!

Andrew Yang Speaks at the DNC Summer Meeting and Fires up Audience (Full Speech August 23rd)
Moderator [00:00:00] Please welcome Mr. Andrew Yang!
Andrew Yang [00:00:21] Hello, members of the DNC! It's phenomenal to be here with you. It's an honor and a privilege. It's a privilege because you all control the future of the country. It's why you wade through the Rules and Bylaws and credentialing,to get to the good stuff. 

What is the good stuff? The good stuff is answering the greatest question of our time. And I will say we have to get this question right. 

The question is why the heck is Donald Trump our president? 

How did that happen?

If you turn on the cable news broadcasts you might get a cocktail of answers, some mixture of Russia, racism, Facebook, FBI, Hillary Clinton. But the numbers tell a different story and I'm a number guy. The numbers tell a very clear indistinct story. 

The reason why Donald Trump is our president today is that we automated away 4 million manufacturing jobs in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Iowa, all the swing states that Donald Trump needed to win and did win. 

We are here together in San Francisco, the hub of technology and what we did to the manufacturing jobs we will now do to the retail jobs, the call center jobs, the fast food jobs, the truck driving jobs, and on and on through the economy. 

How many of you have noticed stories closing where you live? I know you're from all over the country. And why are those stores closing? 

One word answer, Amazon. 

Amazon soaking up 20 billion dollars in business every single year. How much are they paying in taxes? Zero. Less than everyone here in this room. That is the math. Twenty billion out. Zero back. 

Most common job in most of the country is being a retail clerk. The average retail clerk is a 39 year old woman making between 9 and 10 dollars now. When her store closes, what is her next move going to be? 

When you go I'll call the customer service line of a big company and you get that but what do you do? What's your next move? If you're like me you go 0 0 0. Representative Representative of human human until you get someone on the line right. 

In two or three years the software is going to sound like this:

Hey Andrew how's it going? What can I do for you?

You might not even realize it's software. It's going to be delightful seamless efficient. What is that going to mean for the two and a half millions Americans who work at call centers right now? 

Being 14 hours now driving a truck is the most common job in Twenty nine states in this country and my friends here in Silicon Valley are working on trucks they can drive themselves they tell me they are 98 percent of the way there. 

What is that going to mean for the three and a half million Americans who drive a truck for a living right now or the 7 million Americans who work at truck stops motels and diners that rely upon those truckers getting out and having a meal?

We talk about it like Donald Trump is the cause of all of our problems. He is not. He is a symptom. He is a manifestation. We are going through the greatest economic transformation in our country's history. What experts are calling the fourth industrial revolution. 

When's the last time you heard a politician say the words fourth industrial revolution?

Just now.
Andrew Yang [00:03:21] And I am barely a politician. 

So the question is what are the Democrats going to do about it?
Andrew Yang [00:03:33] We have to make it known to our fellow citizens that it is not immigrants that are causing these problems. It is technology. Immigrants are getting scapegoated for something they have nothing to do with. 

So the question is how do we solve this problem for the American people. We have to take a new vision to our fellow citizens as fast as possible. 

If you've heard anything about me in my campaign,you've heard something like this, there's an Asian man running for president who wants to give everyone 1000 dollars a month.
Andrew Yang [00:03:59] Remember hearing that remember the first time you heard that. Nothing quite like the first time in my right?
Andrew Yang [00:04:07] First time you heard it it seemed like a gimmick. Seemed like there's no way that would ever happen. 

But if you dig into our country's history you find this a deeply American idea. Thomas Paine was born of the founding of our country called it "the citizen's dividend". Martin Luther King championed it and fought for it in the 60s. And it is what he was fighting for and the day he was assassinated in 1968. A thousand economists endorsed in the 60s and 70s it was so mainstream that it passed the US House of Representatives twice, in 1971 as the Family Assistance Plan. And 11 years later one state passed a dividend. Now everyone in that state receives between one and two thousand dollars a year. No questions asked.
Andrew Yang [00:04:43] And what state is that? And how do they funded?

Andrew Yang [00:04:48] And what is the oil of the 21st century technology?
Andrew Yang [00:04:52] That's right.
Andrew Yang [00:04:53] A.I., data, software, autonomous vehicles. A study just came out that said that your data our data is now worth more than oil. 

How many of you received your data check in the mail? None of us. 

In Alaska they call this the oil check and they love it. We're gonna call this the tech check and all of America is gonna love it. 

And I want you to think about what a thousand dollars a month would mean in our communities. It would mean stronger families, higher graduation rates, lower stress levels, less domestic violence. It would start to recognize the work that's actually being done in our communities every single day would create millions of new jobs would super charge the arts, creativity, volunteerism, culture and political engagement. 

This is the trickle up economy from our people our family and our communities up. This is the vision that will win in 2020. 

And while I'm talking about trickle up change we need to have trickle up political change, which means empowering the state parties. We need to have a fifty-Seven state strategy or in a win. Got.
Andrew Yang [00:06:12] I get it. I'm an operator.
Andrew Yang [00:06:15] The action happens on the ground. We have to empower people on the ground. We can't stop here with a trickle up economy. 

How many of you are excited about GDP when you woke up this morning? 

How many of you were like I'm gonna make a big contribution today I can feel it?

If you think about it we're at record high levels of GDP, also at record highs in this country right now. Suicides, drug overdoses, anxiety depression, financial insecurity. 

It's gotten so bad that our life expectancy has declined for the last three years in a row. Last time our life expectancy declined for three years in a row, the Spanish Flu of 1918 global pandemic. That's the last time it happened. 

We need to evolve to the next set of measurements. And I talked about my wife who's at home with our two young boys, one of whom is autistic. What does her work included in GDP everyday? Zero. And we know that's nonsense. We know it's the opposite of the truth. We know that her work. 

I was off the trail for a couple days taking care of my kids and I said after two days, get me back to running for president as soon as possible. And if you're a parent you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's the hardest work there is but the most important. 

Instead of this GDP measurement that's running us off a cliff, we should be measuring our shared progress through health and life expectancy mental health, and freedom from substance abuse, clean air, clean water, childhood success rates.
Andrew Yang [00:07:31] This is a vision of an economy that would actually work for the American people. Right now the Democratic Party is being cast as the party that wants to spend money. We want to move society forward and we need the right measurements to do that.
Andrew Yang [00:07:44] So this is the vision we have to take to the rest of the country as fast aspossible. We have to solve the problems got Donald Trump elected. 

If you remember in 2016 what did he say. He said We're gonna make America great again. And then what did Hillary respond? "America's already great." And that did not quite work. 

His solutions were garbage and nonsense. He said we're going to build a wall we're going to turn the clock back. We're going to bring the old jobs back. 

We have to do the opposite of all that. We should turn the clock forward. We have to accelerate our society and economy. We have to evolve in the way we think about work and value. 

And I am the ideal candidate for that job because the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math. 

Thank you very much Democrats!
Andrew Yang [00:08:29] Thank you very much! Let's make America think harder and win. Thank you!











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