

MSCITY 多维城市 2023-12-08

From once a small fishing port city to a vibrant sea capital, Qingdao is endowed with characters and styles that differ from those of other coastal cities under a special historical background. Taiping Mountain, the origin of Qingdao, carries the profound urban memories of the city and witnesses its development and changes. It serves as a window showcasing the culture of the old city of Qingdao.

In September 2022, Qingdao solicited proposals on the cultural tourism planning and renovation planning of Taiping Mountain Central Park from worldwide. After experiencing fierce competition, the joint venture formed by China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co. Ltd. And Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co. , Ltd. finally became one of the participants in this global competition project with its “Qingdao: Taiping Mountain Indexing Plan”, which aims to form a new urban pattern of the future Qingdao.


Taiping Mountain Central Park is located in the core cultural area of the old city of Qingdao in the hinterland of Jiaozhou Bay. With a unique regional background, the park gathers natural ecology and urban humanities together, forming a unique urban structure featuring “mountain-sea-city-bay”. For ages, Taiping Mountain has witnessed the development of the urban core area of Qingdao. Meanwhile, it has also been increasingly isolated during the continuous evolution of the city, resulting in the current separation of Taiping Mountain and the city.

▼城市发展格局Urban development pattern©中建西北院&曲江智造

Seen from the top of Taiping Mountain, the mountain resembles an island. Centered on Taiping Mountain, the urban interface, culture and life, etc. in four directions are independent and separated from each other, forming varying urban styles.

▼太平山周边城市现状Status quo of the urban area around Taiping Mountain©中建西北院&曲江智造

Taiping Mountain has never been a major part of urban development.

▼回顾百年来的青岛城市历史变迁,青岛主城区围绕着太平山不断演变The main urban area of Qingdao has been evolving around Taiping Mountain, as evidenced by the historical changes of the city over the past century©中建西北院&曲江智造

As the key to the renewal of the core urban area of Qingdao, we should explore the relationship between the mountain and sea and urban development, solve the problem of separation between Taiping Mountain and the urban interface, and continue the urban memories of Qingdao. Starting from the mountain, the design team works to restructure the new mountain-sea-city pattern, explore the cultural tradition of the mountain and the city, and then consolidate the relationship of the mountain and sea with the city. Thus, the long-standing issue of mountain-city isolation in the Taiping Mountain Area will be solved by means of integration.

▼鸟瞰图Aerial view©SAN

In this context, regarding “urban bridging” or the “Qingdao: Taiping Mountain Indexing Plan” as the response to the restructuring of the mountain-sea-city pattern in Qingdao, the design team solves the problems faced by the Taiping Mountain area from three perspectives, namely spatial indexing, emotional indexing, and operational indexing, aiming to achieve the goals of mountain indexing and urban indexing. With the mountain as the origin, the team links urban memories, integrates urban spaces, and builds a new Taiping Mountain, which is characterized by sharing and common prosperity, around the diverse needs of citizens, tourists and the ecosystem.


Spatial Indexing Plan: Achieving Mountain-City Integration Based on the City

Under the scale of urban planning and based on the research and analysis of the status quo of Taiping Mountain, the design team transforms the four originally fragmented park areas of Taiping Mountain into an engine full of urban green vitality and serving the whole area by integrating the concepts of three major circles, namely the urban boundary circle, the urban recreation circle, and the ecological conservation circle. Among them, the urban boundary circle will make the park more vibrant by expanding the park entrance and gathering people; the park recreation circle aims to achieve the goal of extending beyond the existing park boundary and communicating the inside and outside; and the ecological conservation circle will contribute to an environment featuring the harmonious coexistence of man and nature by adding point-shaped facilities.

With the three circles above as the skeleton and a grand narrative axis as the vein, the urban development style, the population’s life experience and the natural habitat system will be gathered together to integrate the core memories of the site and create a new spatial pattern of this area.

▼空间索引Spatial indexing©中建西北院&曲江智造


Emotional Indexing Plan: Indexing Urban Memories with the Mountain as the Origin

For local citizens, Taiping Mountain represents an extension of urban memories and life experiences. The design team focuses on urban culture in research to seek the most distinctive urban memories of Qingdao and supplement the Urban Indexing Plan with “emotion” as the clue. Also, the team refines the four aspects of marine science and technology, literature and art, fashion sports, and intangible folk cultural heritage, extracts representative urban culture slices of Qingdao, and includes them in the different internal spaces of Taiping Mountain. By doing so, they aim to make the mountain compatible with diverse urban characteristics, index urban culture through the mountain, and create diversified themed experience space nodes to agree with the urban spaces with different attributes around Taiping Mountain. Finally, a landscape space structure featuring “one-axis, one-ring”, i.e. one grand narrative axis and a multi-experience ring, will be formed.

▼“一轴一环”:植入城市文化,形成多元的主题体验空间“One-axis, one-ring”: incorporating the urban culture to form a diversified themed experience space©中建西北院&曲江智造

▼情感索引计划-青岛城市文化切片Emotional Indexing Plan—Urban cultural slices of Qingdao©中建西北院&曲江智造

Grand narrative axis: The design aims to link the mountain and the sea, humanities, history, and the city under the dimension of the urban area. The main entrance of the park is organically connected to the southern nodes. The marine UAV show, urban symphony concert, large-scale light, shadow and cultural tourism performances, and the stage community on Cherry Blossom Avenue will be used to directionally link the peripheral cultural landmarks and the entrance space, and connect Cherry Blossom Avenue. While the original landmarks of the city are activated, Taiping Mountain and the southern urban areas will be connected to awaken the core spirit of the city, finally achieving the integration between the city and Taiping Mountain.

▼宏大叙事主轴—串联“山海-人文-历史-城市”Grand narrative axis: Linking the mountain and the sea, humanities, history, and the city ©中建西北院&曲江智造

A variety of themed stage communities will be built on the axis sequence interface of the original Cherry Blossom Avenue on the site to showcase the history, humanities and urban customs of Qingdao. The midway floats parade, art installations, interactive facilities, intangible cultural heritage interpretation, and consumption scenes will jointly serve to create an atmosphere of urban celebration.

▼樱花大道Cherry Blossom Avenue©SAN

▼舞台群落类型Stage community types©中建西北院&曲江智造

Upgrading and iteration will be carried out on the basis of the existing cableway lines to enable you to experience the visual impact from the intersection between the old and new cities and the shuttling in the historical time and space and see through the future based on the history.

▼时空穿梭—AR缆车Time Travel—AR Cable Car©SAN

The existing TV tower will be transformed and upgraded to transform the natural mountain environment and the tower into a new visual focus. The exhibition hall for the city’s memories will be creatively built to allow you to experience the spatial and temporal changes of the city in the top ring on the mountain top when carefully appreciating the view and reviewing the city.

▼城市舞台—记忆展厅观景台Urban Stage: Viewing platform for the memory exhibition hall ©SAN

▼建筑形态提取与衍生Architectural form extraction and derivation©中建西北院&曲江智造
▼总平面图General plan layout©中建西北院&曲江智造
▼城市记忆博物馆一层平面图Plan of the first floor for the Urban Memory Museum©中建西北院&曲江智造
▼城市多媒体展厅一层平面图Plan of the first floor for the Urban Multimedia Exhibition Hall©中建西北院&曲江智造
▼城市多媒体展厅二层平面图Plan of the Second Floor for the Urban Multimedia Exhibition Hall©中建西北院&曲江智造
▼城市记忆博物馆1-1剖面图1-1 Section Profile of the Urban Memory Museum©中建西北院&曲江智造
▼南立面图Southern Elevation©中建西北院&曲江智造
▼北立面图Northern Elevation©中建西北院&曲江智造

Multi-Experience Ring: The ring is designed to introduce the surrounding urban landscape into the inside of Taiping Mountain and create an activity scene. The greenway system will be improved to orderly link different functional zones that were originally separated in sequence, renew park road transportation at different levels, and make the inside of Taiping Mountain more accessible. Experience is drawn from urban culture to realize the infiltration and compensation between diversified business functions, visual images and cultural themes of the urban area around and the ecological space of the park, and create a dynamically updated consumption experience scene. While integrating Taiping Mountain and the city, it realizes the re-integration of the inside of the mountain.

▼多元体验环—渗透城市空间,营造活动场景Multi-Experience Ring: Incorporating urban spaces and creating activity scenes©中建西北院&曲江智造


The first and second bathing beaches are linked based on the original children’s activity zone. With Qingdao residents’ childhood memory of the sea as the theme, marine elements such as marine bubbles, waves, marine creatures, reefs, beaches, etc. are combined to upgrade and transform the existing park facilities through IP and create an immersive marine themed children’s unpowered amusement park. With the forest as the curtain and water as the platform, the water surface and marine animal and plant structures are integrated. Also, the normalized submarine light and shadow children’s play performance are used to present a night parenting carnival.

▼海洋泡泡乐园—水波湾舞台Marine Bubble Paradise—Water Wave Bay Stage©SAN

依托西侧文艺气息浓厚的老城区,对接原动物园片区,将青岛百年文艺气质融入,以开放动物栖居环境的方式,使动物化身大自然的演员,塑造 “艺术动物园”体验空间。通过植物花境营造浪漫艺术、色彩明快的景观风貌。
The original zoo area is connected based on the old city area with a strong cultural atmosphere in the west to integrate the cultural temperament of Qingdao for a century. Animals are made to become actors of nature by opening the living environment for animals, creating an experience space of the Art Zoo. A romantic landscape with bright colors is created through plant and flower borders.

▼艺术动物园Art Zoo©SAN

The Northern Beech Forest Park is activated to serve community residents and advocate a healthy life for all. On the basis of the existing trees and terrain, an energetic forest for camping and mountain sports and full of natural vitality is developed in a less-intervention way.

▼元气森林Energetic Forest©SAN

Facing the CBD that is near the sea and on the Hong Kong Middle Road, the Zhanshan Temple on the southeast of the mountain allows you to perceive the intersection of history and modern space. Landscape devices and atmosphere-creating events are arranged to create a visual spatial and temporal collision. Traditional intangible cultural heritage event scenes such as the China-Chic market, traditional Chinese-style Lantern Festival, and Light and Shadow Themed Exhibition will be constructed to let you feel the different senses of the past, the present and the future.

▼国潮湛山寺China-Chic Zhanshan Temple©中建西北院&曲江智造&SAN

The existing botanical garden will be upgraded to build a botanical park with more senses of technology and the future under the guidance of the sustainable development concept. A leisure space for tourists and residents to get close to and understand nature will be provided, with a focus on functions such as energy conservation of carbon sink, ecological conservation, natural science popularization, and intelligent experience.

▼零碳星球·未来植物博物馆Zero-Carbon Planet: Future Botanical Museum©SAN

On the basis of the existing ecological garden, the eastern area of Zhongshan Park will be upgraded and expanded with the addition of the flower sea on the earth, installation art, lawn wedding and greenhouse flower houses and natural outdoor exhibitions will be held to present the most romantic exhibition demonstration area of Qingdao.

▼中山花博园Zhongshan Flower Expo Park©SAN

The continuity of the ecological system formed by the mountain, water, forest and lake will be restored in the central area of the park. A bird-watching trail with less intervention will be built to create a space for sharing with urban animals.

▼生态保育区—观鸟台Ecological Conservation Area: Bird-Watching Platform©SAN

Operation Indexing Plan: Guiding Industrial Empowerment with Personnel as the Core

After upgrading and updating the Taiping Mountain Central Park, the ecological and cultural value will be focused on in future planning and operation. Leading development and operation enterprises will be introduced for diverse customers and innovative cultural experience scenes will be created to enable the development of industries around the city through cultural tourism empowerment. Planning and design will be used to attract consumers and promote the virtuous circle for the development of the Taiping Mountain area. It will contribute to a new pattern for people to build, share, empathize and resonate with a better life together, a new model for the transformation from ecological value to social and economic values, a new attempt at a Chinese-style modern central park, and a new landmark for a global marine center city.

▼整体运营思路General operation thought©中建西北院&曲江智造

▼总平面图General plan layout©中建西北院&曲江智造

The transformed Taiping Mountain Central Park will become entirely different from the original relatively rigid model, which has been incompatible with the requirements for the development of the times. The park will be built into a form that integrates cultural ecosystem, public space, and full-domain scenic spots into one, and a new field of practice that integrates urban natural landscape resources and excellent humanistic landscape resources, such as the mountain, the sea and the city. The new Taiping Mountain Park will be used to index urban culture based on its strengths and transform its natural endowments into productivity amid new historical opportunities. It will become a modern urban central park and forest park with international influence and attraction, a “new highland” for the opening of Qingdao’s cultural tourism, and strong support for the city becoming an international socialist metropolis for a new era.

Project Location: Qingdao, Shandong Province, China
Design Time: Nov, 2022
Project Scale: 190.5 hectare
Project Type: The second price in the International competition
Project Client:Qingdao Taiping Mountain and Fushan Construction and Renovation Headquarters Office
Landscape Planning and architectural design Company: China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co, Ltd.
Cultural and Tourism Planning Company:Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co. , Ltd.
Project Chief:Yang Tong,Daqian Tang,Xu Zhang,Yubin Luo,Fei Xia
Landscape Planning Team:Fei Xia,Hao Yang,Ziyu Han,Donghao Bai,Xuan Wei,Liangjing Wei,Boyao Chang,Jingyi Tao
Architectural Design Team:Ping Li,Hongzhi Li,Zhe Zhang,Wenjing Zhang
Overall Planning Team:Xu Zhang,Yuan Ye,Jing Liu,Mei Liu,Guojun Jiang,Yun Wu,Yan Sun,Xiaomin Wang
Creative Planning Team:Rui Geng,Di Yuan,Yating Guo,Jiawen Wu,Le Meng,Lu Wang,Qianzheng Mao,Yue Qin
Graphic Design Team:Jia He,Pan Li
Copywriter:Yixin Zhang,Hao Yang
Animation and Rendering Company:SAN





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