
《夺冠》票房破亿 你看了吗?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Gong Li Drama ‘Leap’ Opens to $8.2 Million in China


Female-led volleyball drama “Leap” hit China with an $8.2 million opening day Friday, narrowly topping the premiere-day box office haul of Disney’s “Mulan” earlier this month, according to industry tracker Maoyan.

Both films star China-born Singaporean actress Gong Li, who plays a powerful witch character in “Mulan” and the hard-driving, real-life head coach of the Chinese women’s national volleyball team Lang Ping in “Leap.” In contrast, “Mulan” brought in $8.1 million in its opening Friday performance. Warner Bros.’ “Tenet” made $8.9 million in its Sept. 4 debut. War epic “The Eight Hundred,” on the other hand, raked in $21 million in its Aug. 21 bow.

Leap's debut coincided with the first weekend that cinemas were allowed to sell 75% of available tickets rather than 50%.

Directed by Hong Kong helmer Peter Ho-Sun Chan, “Leap” also opened in the U.S. on Friday. It is set for a limited release across 80 theaters in Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Irvine and other major cities. Jetsen Huashi Media has distribution rights in North America, Australia and New Zealand. 

The U.S. box office has remained minuscule as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the country, with case numbers in the nation rising Friday to top 7 million. The nationwide cumulative box office for the top 10 films came to an average of just $1.1 million a day in the week leading up to Wednesday. Chinese films typically have not gained much traction in the States, even in non-pandemic times.

Chan is best known for films such as “Comrades: Almost a Love Story” (1996), “Perhaps Love” (2005), “The Warlords” (2010) and “Dearest” (2014). “Leap” tells the story of the Chinese women’s volleyball team over the course of 35 years through their ups and downs as they won world championships and Olympic titles, with their head coach Lang Ping (Gong Li), nicknamed the “Iron Hammer.”

The film was originally set to premiere over the highly competitive Chinese New Year holiday in January until all titles were pushed back as exhibitors shuttered because of the coronavirus pandemic. It was then set to debut on Oct. 1, the first day of the National Day holiday, but edged its release date a few days forward to maintain a competitive edge against other top titles that will duke it out over what is typically one of China’s busiest movie-going weeks of the year.

Among the upcoming films set for release in China are Stanley Tong's “Vanguard,” starring Jackie Chan, on Sept. 30. Hotly anticipated animated movie “Jiang Ziya: Legend of Deification” and patriotic “My People, Homeland” will debut on Oct. 1.

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Gong Li Drama ‘Leap’ Opens to $8.2 Million in China


Female-led volleyball drama “Leap” hit China with an $8.2 million opening day Friday, narrowly topping the premiere-day box office haul of Disney's “Mulan” earlier this month, according to industry tracker Maoyan.



此处作为副词,表示“勉强地;将将;以毫厘之差”,英文解释为“only by a small amount”,举个🌰:

She narrowly missed winning the race.


📍要注意,这里的narrowly missed winning the race,不要理解成双重否定“差一点没得奖/勉强没得奖”-->“得奖了”,这是不对的。实际上,narrowly其后的动作表达的意思必须与实际情况相同,而不是与句意相反。为了更好理解,你可以试着将narrowly的英文解释:only by a small amount,代入原句中,比如:She missed winning the race (only by a small amount).


📍narrow本身作形容词表示“狭窄,狭隘的,有限的”等,如:a narrow bridge/passage/gap 狭窄的桥梁/通道/缝隙,a narrow face 瘦长的脸;

还可以指“勉强的,差距微小的”,英文解释为“If you have a narrow victory, you succeed in winning but only by a small amount.”举个🌰:

Voters approved the plan by a narrow majority.



📍narrow victory/defeat/majority/margin


📍a narrow escape表示“死里逃生”(a situation in which you avoid danger although you very nearly do not)举个🌰:

We got out in time but it was a narrow escape.


📍a narrow squeak表示“险胜,侥幸成功”(a success that was almost a failure)举个🌰:

We caught the ferry but it was a narrow squeak.


📍narrow-minded(adj.)表示“心胸狭窄的,气量小的”(not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own),如:narrow-minded opinions/views 狭隘的观点,a narrow-minded person 心胸狭窄的人。与之相反的是:broad-minded 心胸宽广的。


表示“超过;高过;胜过”,英文解释为“to do, pay, etc. more or better than anyone else”举个🌰:

Worldwide sales look set to top $1 billion.



premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/ 可以作动词和名词,表示“首映,首演,首次上演/映”(the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment)。

📍这里要注意的是这个词去掉末尾的 e 就变成了 premier“首相,总理”;另外,premier作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:

He's one of the nation's premier scientists.



1)haul可以表示“(一大批)非法物品,赃物”,相对比较负面的,英文解释为“a large amount of illegal or stolen goods”如:a haul of weapons 大批非法武器,a drugs haul 一大批毒品,举个🌰:

A haul of stolen cars has been seized by police officers.


2)表示“很高的得分”(a large number of points, goals, etc.);

His haul of 37 goals in a season is a record.


3)表示“旅行的距离;旅程”(the distance covered in a particular journey),举个🌰:

They began the long slow haul to the summit.



📍a long haul可以特指“耗时费力的事”,英文解释为“something that takes a lot of time and effort”,举个🌰:

Revitalizing the economy will be a long haul.


Both films star China-born Singaporean actress Gong Li, who plays a powerful witch character in “Mulan” and the hard-driving, real-life head coach of the Chinese women's national volleyball team Lang Ping in “Leap.” In contrast, “Mulan” brought in $8.1 million in its opening Friday performance. Warner Bros.' “Tenet” made $8.9 million in its Sept. 4 debut. War epic “The Eight Hundred,” on the other hand, raked in $21 million in its Aug. 21 bow.

这两部电影的主演都是出生于中国的新加坡女演员巩俐,她在《花木兰》中饰演了一个强大的女巫角色,而在《夺冠》中则是扮演中国女排国家队主教练郎平的形象。相比之下,《花木兰》在周五的首映日上带来了810万美元票房。华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)的《信条(Tenet)》9月4日首映取得890万美元票房。战争史诗片《八佰(The Eight Hundred)》则在8月21日的首映中收获了2100万美元。


和premiere类似,表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."



表示“进取心十足的;咄咄逼人的;过于苛责的;要求过高的;精力充沛的”,英文解释为“intensely ambitious, energetic, or hardworking”。

bring in

表示“赚得”,英文解释为“Someone or something that brings in money makes it or earns it.”举个🌰:

I have three part-time jobs, which bring in about $24,000 a year.


rake in

表示“轻易赚(很多钱);赚大钱”,英文解释为“to earn or get a large amount of money”举个🌰:

He rakes in over $200,000 a year.



这个词很有意思,bow作名词表示“鞠躬”(the act of bending the top part of your body forward to show respect for someone when you meet them, or as a way of thanking an audience),如:take/give a bow 意思就是表演结束后的“鞠躬致谢,谢幕”=bow to the audience at the end of a performance;

还有“蝴蝶结”、a bow and arrow“弓箭”的意思,但是好像没有找到和句中语境相关的含义...还好,在韦氏词典(Merriam-Webster)中发现bow动词用法中有这么一个解释:DEBUT. 以及例句:The play will bow next month.


再查证发现,本文选自《Variety》,美国娱乐界行业周刊,曾经整理了一份该杂志常用的俚语词典(Slanguage Dictionary),其中就有bow一词。


(n.) opening or premiere;
(v.) to debut a production;


· The pic's bow was in January.

· The Nederlander Organization will bow its revival of ‘Wonderful Town’ next year.


It purposefully used its own slang "in part [as] a device to fit long words into small headlines, but... also to create a clubby feel among the paper's entertainment industry readers."

📍此处的clubby表示“(某个地方在社交上)排外的,只对圈内人友好的”,英文解释为“a clubby place is where everyone is very friendly to each other, but people who are outside their group are not very welcome”,如:the clubby atmosphere of the media 媒体的排外氛围;u1s1,就好像微博上各种“饭圈”用语让人很费解。


1)“Mulan” brought in $8.1 million in its opening Friday performance.

2)Warner Bros.' “Tenet” made $8.9 million in its Sept. 4 debut.

3)War epic “The Eight Hundred,” on the other hand, raked in $21 million in its Aug. 21 bow.

📍三个句子都表达了,“《xx》影片上映首日斩获票房xxx美元”这个意思。拿下/收获/赢得多少票房,分别用了bring in, make, rake in三个表达。相应的, 上映首日(表现),in its opening (Friday) performance, in its (Sept. 4) debut, in its (Aug. 21) bow.


Leap's debut coincided with the first weekend that cinemas were allowed to sell 75% of available tickets rather than 50%.



1)表示“与…一致,相符;相似”,英文解释为“to be the same or similar”举个🌰:

Our views coincide on a range of subjects.


2)表示“(几乎)同时发生”,英文解释为“to happen at or near the same time”举个🌰:

I timed my holiday to coincide with the children's.


Directed by Hong Kong helmer Peter Ho-Sun Chan, “Leap” also opened in the U.S. on Friday. It is set for a limited release across 80 theaters in Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Irvine and other major cities. Jetsen Huashi Media has distribution rights in North America, Australia and New Zealand. 



helmer /ˈhɛlmə/ 表示“电影导演”,英文解释为“a film director; a person who is in charge of a film and tells the actors how to play their parts”。

The U.S. box office has remained minuscule as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the country, with case numbers in the nation rising Friday to top 7 million. The nationwide cumulative box office for the top 10 films came to an average of just $1.1 million a day in the week leading up to Wednesday. Chinese films typically have not gained much traction in the States, even in non-pandemic times.



miniscule /'mɪnə,skjʊl/ 也做minuscule,表示“极小的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as minuscule, you mean that it is very small.”举个🌰:

The film was shot in 21 days, a minuscule amount of time. 



表示“严重毁坏,摧毁;重创”,英文解释为“to damage something very badly”举个🌰:

The country has been ravaged by civil war.



表示“累积的”,英文解释为“If a series of events have a cumulative effect, each event makes the effect greater.”举个🌰:

It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.



1)原意表示“牵引;拖拉;牵引力;拉力”,英文解释为“the action of pulling sth along a surface; the power that is used for doing this”;

2)表示“(观点或产品等)变得流行(或被接受)”,英文解释为“the fact of an idea, product, etc. becoming popular or being accepted”举个🌰:

In our digital age, it takes less time for new words and phrases to gain traction than it did in the past.


📍类似的还有一个出镜率更高的go viral,go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为表示“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral,英文解释为“to become very popular very quickly”。

Chan is best known for films such as “Comrades: Almost a Love Story” (1996), “Perhaps Love” (2005), “The Warlords” (2010) and “Dearest” (2014). “Leap” tells the story of the Chinese women's volleyball team over the course of 35 years through their ups and downs as they won world championships and Olympic titles, with their head coach Lang Ping (Gong Li), nicknamed the “Iron Hammer.”

陈可辛最著名的电影是《甜蜜蜜(Comrades: Almost a Love Story)》(1996年)、《如果·爱(Perhaps Love)》(2005年)、《投名状(The Warlords)》(2010年)和《亲爱的(Dearest)》(2014年)。《夺冠》讲述了中国女排在35年的时间里,在夺取世界冠军和奥运冠军的过程中,在她们的主教练绰号“铁榔头”郎平(巩俐饰)的带领下,经历了风风雨雨的故事。

ups and downs

ups and downs 字面上是“上上下下”,意思就是“起起伏伏,兴衰,沉浮”(alternating periods of good and bad fortune, high and low spirits, etc),举个🌰:

Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that.


The film was originally set to premiere over the highly competitive Chinese New Year holiday in January until all titles were pushed back as exhibitors shuttered because of the coronavirus pandemic. It was then set to debut on Oct. 1, the first day of the National Day holiday, but edged its release date a few days forward to maintain a competitive edge against other top titles that will duke it out over what is typically one of China's busiest movie-going weeks of the year.



1)shutter作名词,通常复数,原意表示“活动护窗;百叶窗”,英文解释为“one of a pair of wooden or metal covers that can be closed over the outside of a window to keep out light or protect the windows from damage”,如:to open/close the shutters 打开/关上护窗。

2)作动词,可以指关上百叶窗,也有“(暂时或永久地)停业”的含义(to close down a business or activity)。

duke it out

表示“打架;一决雌雄;一决高下”,英文解释为“to engage in a fight and especially a fistfight”。

Among the upcoming films set for release in China are Stanley Tong's “Vanguard,” starring Jackie Chan, on Sept. 30. Hotly anticipated animated movie “Jiang Ziya: Legend of Deification” and patriotic “My People, Homeland” will debut on Oct. 1.








- 推荐阅读 -





《爱的迫降》  《少年的你》

《攀登者》  《黑豹》  《信条》

《流浪地球》  《深夜食堂》

《庆余年》  《寄生虫》


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