
Bloomsbury China十月将在法兰克福书展成立

2017-09-08 白玫 国际出版周报

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近日,从英国布鲁姆斯伯里出版公司(Bloomsbury)获悉,在下个月的法兰克福书展期间,布鲁姆斯伯里将宣布成立“布鲁姆斯伯里(中国)”(Bloomsbury China)。

记者采访到英国布鲁姆斯伯里出版公司的执行总裁、国际出版商协会(International Publishers Association, IPA)前主席、《国际出版周报》编委理查德·查金(Richard Charkin),他表示,布鲁姆斯伯里(中国)主要为促成中国的出版商、作家和西方作家的合作,共同出版英文书籍,以提升西方国家对中国的了解,并帮助中国出版“走出去”,以及与世界其他国家进行交流和沟通。


布鲁姆斯伯里出版公司以出版“哈利·波特”系列图书而闻名,同时旗下拥有众多知名学术子品牌,Arden Shakespeare (阿登莎士比亚,瑰宝级莎士比亚研究), Hart Publishing (哈特法律,欧洲著名法律出版社),T & T Clark (196年历史的知名宗教出版社), Fairchild Books (百年历史的美国著名时尚设计出版社)等。






此外,理查德•查金还出席了2017北京国际出版论坛,并发表了题为《中国对世界出版业的重要性》(The Importance of China for the World’s Publishing Industry)的演讲。




Richard Charkin

When was the first time you contacted or cooperated with Chinese publishers?


I suppose my first real dealings with Chinese publishers was twenty years ago when Macmillan worked with FLTRP to plan and publish the huge selling New Standard English. This series underscored the growing professionalism of Chinese educational publishing and the willingness to collaborate. To this day it is an example of the best sort of international cooperation.



You have witnessed the development of Chinese publishing, what big changes have you found?


Of course the privatisation of large parts of the Chinese publishing industry has stimulated competition, innovation and efficiency. State ownership of publishing around the world has usually failed to deliver the best intellectual property or served authors and readers as well as the cut and thrust of commercial publishing. The other major developments within China have been the growth and sophistication of both the printing and distribution infrastructures.


And finally, and arguably most importantly, China's commitment to the protection of intellectual property rights through its membership of WIPO and commitment to World Trade Organisation and other international bodies. Copyright is at the heart of publishing and creative, intellectual and educational endeavour.



What do you think of the difference between Chinese culture and British culture?


It would be absurd for me to claim understanding of Chinese culture. It is ancient, complex, changing and fascinating and I try to learn all the time. I have many years of learning ahead of me! Chinese art, both classical and contemporary, is both beautiful and challenging. I suspect the difference between British and Chinese culture is that Britain is a very small country which needed (and still needs) a global footprint to succeed. China's immensity has allowed it and required it first to manage its own culture.As a result British culture is fundamentally international reflecting its former Empire, its strong links in Europe and its very special relationship with North America.



And of course Britain is the home of the world's lingua Franca of business, English. Those are the differences but there are huge similarities too. We share a love of literature, music, art, ballet, drama and sport. We both acknowledge and back the essential nature of education and of sharing the fruits of research. We both understand the challenges and opportunities of living in interesting times.



During your two years as President of the IPA, PAC joined the IPA. In the whole process, you were under great pressure, what’s your motivation? And what are your suggestions for Chinese publishers about being more global?


It is true that China was admitted to the IPA during my presidency. There was a vote open to all members and China was elected democratically. It is also true that there were a number of member organisations who had doubts and who lobbied against China's membership. My personal view was and is that working together is better than isolation and that the greater the membership of IPA the more it can represent and help all of its members in the fight for copyright protection and freedom to publish. I was delighted that the majority of IPA members agreed and welcomed China as a full and contributing member. I think that with time China will have a strong voice in international publishing but Chinese and non-Chinese publishing organisations need to listen more and understand each other better.



What are your plans for cooperation with Chinese publishers in the near future?


Wearing my Bloomsbury Publishing hat I can tell you that we shall be formally announcing a new initiative at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Bloomsbury China. The purpose is to work with Chinese publishers and authors, and indeed Western authors, to publish books in English with the intention of improving the West's understanding of China and helping China reach out and communicate with the rest of the world. More about this later in the year but I am hoping our first book(s) will be published in March 2018.

代表布鲁姆斯伯里出版公司,我可以正式地告诉你,我们将在今年的法兰克福书展期间正式宣布:布鲁姆斯伯里(中国)(Bloomsbury China)即将在中国成立,其目的主要是促成中国的出版商、作家和西方作家的合作,共同出版英文书籍,以提升西方国家对中国的了解,并帮助中国出版走出去,以及与世界其他国家进行交流和沟通。我希望今年就能够完成相关的筹备工作,并在2018年3月出版发行我们的第一本书。

Please share with us your joy of winning the award.


I have had many great moments in my undeservedly lucky career but I can say that I have never been prouder than when I heard about this award. I am accepting it on behalf of all those who have worked to support Chinese publishing and the opening of forthright communications between East and West in both directions. Not only am I proud but also delighted to be so honoured by my Chinese friends.



记者:白玫  编辑:李翔宇



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