
人物专访 | Sailing in US

英诺森 Inossem英诺森 2020-03-13

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James Gardner

Inossem US

Managing Director


James, you have served SAP for more than 20 years. You have also led many digital transformation projects for State Owned Enterprises on behalf of SAP. Based on your experience, what is your expectation for the US market? 

JG:Having experienced more than 25 years of technology transformation projects, I have learned to plan carefully, but be willing to take risks. The path to project success can sometimes be paved with failure, however success is often unattainable without having to fail first. I have learned as much, or more, from project disappointments as I have from successes. I have learned when to pivot and when to question.  Lastly, I have learned to open source my own mistakes in order to encourage others to do so. This persistence and grit generates overall progress. 

On the other hand, if something isn’t broken I don’t need fix it. The safe space for innovation that Inossem provides has contributed to the many successes over the last five years.  I plan to continue doing what is working well for us here in the US market.  I believe we have embraced the right technologies for the market, and we will continue to learn how and when to take advantage of additional innovations.

By embracing responsibility for all the changes innovation can bring, Inossem will drive future progress globally. The global AI software market is expected to experience massive growth in the coming years, with revenues increasing from around 9.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 to an expected 118.6 billion by 2025. Inossem will help companies improve processes, drive business growth, and innovate through new digital business models.


As the managing director of Inossem US, how is the company’s future laid out? What marketing strategies are planned?

JG:Globalization is localization - and localization is part of our global strategy. At Inossem our worldwide deep industry experience will help us achieve rapid business expansion here in the US and beyond - with plans for Central and South America in the coming years. At Inossem US, our future is tied to our strong and positive corporate culture which is centered around Innovation, Networking, and Ownership. Our responsible, self-motivated employees will help inspire innovative ideas and build a global R&D and service network to support our clients here and abroad. 

Referring back to my opening comments about what is working, we will continue to leverage the strong marketing and advertising strategies and tools that are already in place at Inossem.  We will place an emphasis on new market strategies relevant to the US customer and embrace new social media platforms to expand market awareness. These measures will allow us to expose our brand to a broad section of the marketplace while staying responsible in our budget. 


What are the current challenges in expanding the US market?

JG:There are tremendous benefits available through technology for both business and society, but there are major questions around safety, privacy, sustainability, and trust. The answer comes from combining technical expertise with social awareness. The United States is the largest tech market in the world, representing 32% of the total, or approximately $1.7 trillion for 2020. 

Tech services and software account for nearly half of spending in the U.S.technology market, significantly higher than the rate in many other global regions. Hence, with challenge also comes opportunity. 

Inossem delivers superior products and advocates corporate responsibility and transparency, which are important key factors in the US marketplace. The biggest challenge will be establishing sales as a new entry into the US. However,  Inossem is clearly establishing itself as a player in the global tech market. But to ensure success here, we need responsible and profitable growth. I use “SMART” goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) to really understand the who, what, when, where, and why of what we must achieve, and the challenges to doing so. 


What do you expect to accomplish in the year of 2020?

JG:Several goals are expected to be accomplished this year.  Initially we started by setting up the business, hiring a few key positions, and establishing customer awareness and market presence. As we expand our client base we will create - and deliver - a portfolio of projects in the US for 2020. Next year we aim to double in size so we have our work cut out for us, but our products and services speak for themselves and will ultimately lead to sales. AI is definitely changing how we sell and what we sell in the US. I expect to sell both the vision and the value of Inossem. 


How to quickly localize products to meet the needs of US customers?

JG:Customizing our application to the US locale will require adaptation of content to meet localization requirements of US customer. Since Inossem’s portfolio is flexible and uses clearly designed processes, I believe we can swiftly enhance solutions for local needs.  The quality efforts that Inossem provides to its customers through localization will allow our customers here to learn more about our products and services as well as aid in growing our customer base.  We are closely coordinating with, and leveraging, our partners in the market.

To be continued


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