
文本分析的步骤, 工具, 途径和可视化如何做?

ML计量研究小组 计量经济圈 2021-10-23



所有计量经济圈方法论丛的code程序, 宏微观数据库和各种软件都放在社群里.欢迎到计量经济圈社群交流访问.

前些日,咱们引荐了实证研究中用到的200篇文章, 社科学者常备toolkit”、实证文章写作常用到的50篇名家经验帖, 学者必读系列过去10年AER上关于中国主题的Articles专辑AEA公布2017-19年度最受关注的十大研究话题, 给你的选题方向2020年中文Top期刊重点选题方向, 写论文就写这些。尔后,咱们又引荐了使用CFPS, CHFS, CHNS数据实证研究的精选文章专辑!这40个微观数据库够你博士毕业了, 反正凭着这些库成了教授Python, Stata, R软件史上最全快捷键合辑!关于(模糊)断点回归设计的100篇精选Articles专辑!关于双重差分法DID的32篇精选Articles专辑!关于合成控制法SCM的33篇精选Articles专辑!最近80篇关于中国国际贸易领域papers合辑!最近70篇关于中国环境生态的经济学papers合辑!

上一日,咱们引荐了“继诺贝尔奖得主罗默后, 又一世行首席匆匆离职了!背后的原因让人深思!”,主要探讨一下世行与其两位首席经济学家间的恩恩怨怨。今天,ML计量研究小组主要引荐一下杜克大学Angela Zoss老师的《文本分析步骤, 工具, 途径和可视化如何做?》。后面这个短网址(或“阅读原文”)可以打开下文中出现的各种链接:http://dwz.date/yaA





  • Ted Underwood – Where to start with text mining
  • Tooling Up for Digital Humanities – Text Analysis
  • Ryan Shaw – Text Mining
  • John Laudin – Text Analytics 101
  • O'Connor, Bamman, & Smith (2011) – Computational Text Analysis for Social Science
  • Ben Schmidt – Comparing Corpuses by Word Use


  • Native digital text
    • Email
      • (Thunderbird extension, MUSE*)
    • HTML
    • RSS feeds
    • Sample specific services:
      • Twitter
      • Wikipedia
      • Data Liberation Front
      • New York Times API
      • CMU Movie Summary Corpus
      • Corpus of Global Web-Based English (GloWbE)
      • PLOS Text Mining Collection
    • Tutorials for data collection from various services
  • Digitized
    • Internet Archive
    • Project Gutenberg
    • Google Books
    • Hathi Trust (Hathi Download Helper)
    • JSTOR Data for Research* (with Early Journal Content bundle, also from archive.org)
    • PubMed Open Access Subset
    • Monk Workbench*
    • Document Cloud*
    • Open American National Corpus (collection of American English from various sources)
    • WordHoard* (tagged literary texts)
    • Corpus of Contemporary American English
* - also has some processing/analysis capabilities




  • Removing stop words (deleting very common words like "a", "the", "and", etc.)
  • Stemming or lemmatization (ways of combining words that have the same linguistic root or stem)

Tip: 诸如Wordle之类的工具可能会删除停止词(也叫常见词),但它们可能会分别计算一个单词和该单词的复数形式,或者如上所述保留大小写差异。在将内容加载到词云生成器之前,请尝试将所有内容转换为小写并使用快速阻止工具。


  • 从PDF提取:
    • More timesavers to unlock public records data (PDFs into spreadsheets)
    • Tabula (Java program for all platforms)
    • gImageReader (OCR for images, PDFs)
  • 清理HTML / XML:
    • Beautiful Soup
    • scrubber (also lemmatizes, removes stop words with prepared lists)
    • HTML to Text (or Story) from Data Science Toolkit
  • 将制表符更改为逗号,删除换行符等.
    • Sort My List (also changes case, removes punctuation)
    • TextFixer
    • Transformer (rescue texts from old file formats)
    • Text Mechanic


  • Google Refine for entity normalization
  • Vard 2 for cleaning historical text
  • TextFixer for changing case, removing whitespace, sorting
  • Porter stemmer online for stemming text
  • Microsoft Word to convert formatting to structure
    • Finding and replacing formatting and special characters in Word
    • Using regular expressions in Word
    • Convert text to table and back
  • Microsoft Excel to split, concatenate, filter data
    • Excel Text to Columns tool
    • Excel Concatenate function
    • Word Frequency in Excel with Filters, COUNTIF



  • Windows系统
    (See also Top 10 Cheap Windows Text Editors with Regular Expressions)
    • Notepad++
    • GNU Emacs
    • Vim
    • Kate
    • jEdit (instructions)
    • NoteTab Light
    • Microsoft Word (Extended Instructions)
    • Notepad RE
    • Zeus Lite Editor
    • Programmer's Notepad
    • EditPad Lite
    • PSPad
    • SciTE
    • Crimson Editor
    • Sublime
  • Mac系统
    (See also Top 10 Cheap Mac OS X Text Editors with Regular Expressions)
    • GNU Emacs
    • Vim
    • jEdit (instructions)
    • Kate
    • Aquamacs
    • TextWrangler
    • Sublime
    • Microsoft Word (Extended Instructions)



  • Word frequency (lists of words and their frequencies)
    (See also: Word counts are amazing, Ted Underwood)
  • Collocation (words commonly appearing near each other)
  • Concordance (the contexts of a given word or set of words)
  • N-grams (common two-, three-, etc.- word phrases)
  • Entity recognition (identifying names, places, time periods, etc.)
  • Dictionary tagging (locating a specific set of words in the texts)


(From Underwood, T. (2012). Where to start with text mining.)
  • 文件分类
    • Information retrieval (e.g., search engines)
    • Supervised classification (e.g., guessing genres)
    • Unsupervised clustering (e.g., alternative “genres”)
  • 语料库比较(例如政治演讲)
  • 一段时间内使用的语言(例如Google ngram viewer)
  • 检测文档特征簇(i.e., topic modeling)
  • 实体(entity)识别/提取(e.g., geoparsing)
  • 可视化



  • Voyant Tools – word frequencies, concordance, word clouds, visualizations
  • TAPorWare – various data cleaning, annotating, and summarizing tools in a web interface
  • Netlytic – word frequencies, concordance, dictionary tagging, network analysis
  • Wmatrix – frequency profiles, concordances, compare frequency lists, n-grams and c-grams, collocations
  • Natural Language Processor & Analyzer - word frequencies, collocations, concordance, tokenizer, etc.
  • ManyEyes – interactive text visualizations (network diagram, word tree, phrase net, tag cloud, word cloud)
  • Overview – Automatic topic tagging and visualization
  • Monk Workbench – Corpus selection from library holdings, frequencies and corpora comparisons, supervised classification
  • LIWC - Web version will output a few linguistic dimensions; full version can be licensed for ~$100


  • AntWord – word frequencies
  • AntConc – frequency lists, concordances, collocations, keywords, n-grams
  • TextSTAT – word frequencies, concordances
  • Concordance – word frequencies, concordances, indexes
  • Cowo - semantic network
  • WordHoard - word frequencies, concordances, collocations, scripting (includes tagged literary corpora)
  • CasualConc - kwic concordance lines, word clusters, collocation analysis, and word count
  • NVivo (Duke info) - can cluster sources based on text, also produces phrase nets and tag clouds
  • Tableau (LibGuide) - word clouds


  • TAPoR 2
    • TAPoRware recipes (tutorials)
  • DiRT - digital research tools



  • NVivo
  • brat rapid annotation tool


  • GATE
  • nltk
  • Stanford NLP Group Software
  • National Centre for Text Mining (includes some tools for medical texts)
  • Reporters' Lab Reviews: Entity Extraction
  • Michael Collins' notes on NLP
  • Natural (natural language facilities for Node.js)


  • Most powerful open source sentiment analysis tools
  • Bing Liu's Resources on Opinion Mining (including a sentiment lexicon)
  • NaCTeM Sentiment Analysis Test Site (web form)
  • pattern web mining module (python)
  • SentiWordNet
  • Umigon (for tweets, etc.)
  • List of sentiment analysis tools for Twitter


  • The Programming Historian - Lessons
  • Basic Unix workflow for Text Processing
  • Helpful Unix commands
  • Similarity and Dissimilarity Measures
  • An introduction to text analysis with python
  • Basic Text Analysis in Mathematica
  • Zend Framework - PHP framework for collecting data
  • Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature
  • Python Programming for the Humanities
  • Document Similarity with R



  • With Criminal Intent
  • Various artistic analyses/interpretations of texts by Stefanie Posavec
  • The state of our union is... dumber
  • wordcollider
  • Popcornjs sentiment tracker
  • Metropho.rs
  • Novel Views: Les Miserables
  • A Christmas Carol (TULP interactive)
  • Tolkien's Books Analyzed


  • Google n-gram viewer - word frequencies over time
  • bookworm Open Library - word frequencies over time
  • Historical culturomics of pronoun frequencies - pronoun frequencies by gender over time
  • The Words They Used - bubble cloud of words from national convention speeches, with size and color coding
  • Bib.ly - word frequencies throughout the Bible
  • Ye Shall Know Them By Their Words - word frequencies by topic for presidential nomination speeches (additional description)
  • FACTA+ Visualizer - tree map of term frequency
  • Inaugural language (Boston Globe) - radial scatterplots
  • Mining Books to Map Emotions - frequencies of sentiment terms over time


  • Termite - tabular, proportional symbol visualization of words and topics
  • PMLA topic network - a network view of the topics from a topic model of PMLA, where links are created for shared words between topics (additional description)
  • Using Word Clouds for Topic Modeling Results - visualizing the distribution of words for each topic as separate word clouds




之前,咱们小组引荐了1.Python中的计量回归模块及所有模块概览2.空间计量软件代码资源集锦(Matlab/R/Python/SAS/Stata), 不再因空间效应而感到孤独3.回归、分类与聚类:三大方向剖解机器学习算法的优缺点(附Python和R实现)4.机器学习第一书, 数据挖掘, 推理和预测5.从线性回归到机器学习, 一张图帮你文献综述6.11种与机器学习相关的多元变量分析方法汇总7.机器学习和大数据计量经济学, 你必须阅读一下这篇8.机器学习与Econometrics的书籍推荐, 值得拥有的经典9.机器学习在微观计量的应用最新趋势: 大数据和因果推断10.机器学习在微观计量的应用最新趋势: 回归模型11.机器学习对计量经济学的影响, AEA年会独家报道12.机器学习,可异于数理统计等,受到很多年轻学者的推崇和积极评价。
0.看完顶级期刊文章后, 整理了内生性处理小册子1.“内生性” 到底是什么鬼? New Yorker告诉你2.Heckman两步法的内生性问题(IV-Heckman);3.IV和GMM相关估计步骤,内生性、异方差性等检验方法4.最全估计方法,解决遗漏变量偏差,内生性,混淆变量和相关问题5.毛咕噜论文中一些有趣的工具变量!6.非线性面板模型中内生性解决方案7.内生性处理的秘密武器-工具变量估计8.内生性处理方法与进展9.内生性问题和倾向得分匹配10.你的内生性解决方式out, ERM独领风骚11.工具变量IV必读文章20篇, 因果识别就靠他了12.面板数据是怎样处理内生性的13.计量分析中的内生性问题综述14.工具变量IV与内生性处理的解读15.一份改变实证研究的内生性处理思维导图;16.Top期刊里不同来源内生性处理方法17.面板数据中heckman方法和程序(xtheckman);18.控制函数法CF, 处理内生性的广义方法19.二值选择模型内生性检验方法20.2SRI还是2SPS, 内生性问题的二阶段CF法实现21.内生变量的交互项如何寻工具变量22.工具变量精辟解释, 保证你一辈子都忘不了


Econometrics Circle

数据系列:空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 |  夜间灯光 | 官员方言  | 微观数据 |

计量系列:匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 

数据处理:Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |

干货系列:能源环境 | 效率研究 | 空间计量 | 国际经贸 | 计量软件 | 商科研究 | 机器学习 | SSCI | CSSCI | SSCI查询 |


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