
科研助力| New release of BFSU PowerConc August 2016

2016-08-09 xujiajin 语言学通讯

A new release of BFSU PowerConc (7 August 2016) is available now. This release is the 'beta 25b' of BFSU PowerConc Version 1.0, if you want to distinguish it from the more popular '' release.

What's new in beta 25b?

Some minor revisions were made for this release. For example,

1) The default concordance span is now set to 12 words to the left and 12 words to the right. The context display can be further extended to 50 words for either side of the context from the Concordance Settings.

2) In previous releases, concordance results stop at sentence boundaries. This limit was suppressed in the new release to allow for more context for KWIC type of concordance interpretation.

3) The word count of Chinese texts was refined to leave out some punctuations (e.g. douhao and Chinese dash) in the word list. Some optimisations were also made to minimise the possibility of miscalculating Chinese characters and words.

4) Negative keywords are moved to the end of keyword list and the minus sign added to negative keyword log-likelihood ratio values. Relative frequencies of observed corpus and reference corpus are shown in the result as well.

5) A checkbox of 'Collocation & Colligation' module was renamed, i.e. Use Outer Wordlist -->Use Ready Wordlist.

6) In the 'texts' folder, 15 sample English texts (taken from  representing the 15 text types of Brown corpus taxonomy) and 15 tokenised/segmented Chinese texts (taken from ) are enclosed as demo data.

7) More than a dozen configuration or resource files are included in the 'sys' folder, such as the lists of 10,000 Chinese idioms, color terms and shell nouns for batch search, CLAWS PoS tagset reduction (i.e. 137 tags to ten-somthing broad PoS categories), search result regrouping configuration files (e.g. 15 Brown corpus categories to four broad genre types). We can upload your files here, if .

New functionalities of corpus analysis will be mainly implemented in our next generation  which to a great extent retains the BFSU PowerConc features.

Previous releases

Bug reports can be sent to .

Citing/Referencing BFSU PowerConc

  1. Xu, Jiajin, Maocheng Liang & Yunlong Jia. (2012). BFSU PowerConc 1.0. National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University.

  2. Xu, Jiajin & Jia Yunlong. (2013). The design and development of the R-gram based corpus analysis tool ‘PowerConc’. Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education (1): 57-62.

  3. Xu, Jiajin & Yunlong Jia. (2013). PowerConc: An R-gram based corpus analysis tool. Paper presented at American Association of Corpus Linguistics 2013 (AACL2013) Conference. San Diego, CA., 18-20 January.









学界新闻| 《西安外国语大学学报》2016年第2期摘要一览






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